fire. >> and vladislav miftakhov, a penn state student said he planned to detonate explosive devices in a field. he's due back to court next week. >> and if you're head together post office, you better bring extra pennies if you need to buy a stamp today. it is now 49 cents. that is a 3% jump, the largest postal hike in some 11 years. regulators say it should only be in effect about two years, enough time for the postal service to recoup nearly $3 billion in recession-related losses. the postal board rejected a request to make the increase permanent. i don't know about you but do you think they'll lower the price of a stamp? >> nothing except gas eventually goes up and down. >> i don't think they're going to give us back those pennies. once it's up, it's up. can't unring a bell. >> i do love those forever