veterans benefits. all of these things are being threatened. how do you prioritize. >> all of those thing s you mentioned we'd have the revenue stream to pay. >> you believe that? >> i do. it gets tough in a relevant testifily short period of time. it isn't something that happens at midnight tomorrow night. it's something incrementally where we are bringing in 60% of the money we're spending. over time it could squeeze these accounts down. >> over time could be days. >> weeks is how i estimate it. >> american people want to understand right now. this is go time. where do you stand? >> my stand is there's two things i would put on the table, and say let's go down one path or another. the first one is a balanced budget amendment to our constitution. >> not going to happen right now. you know that. >> not today. if that passed out of the house and the senate, it takes a two-thirds majority.