but by the time they arrived at ink from chase. the hospital, they had done the so you can. work. little owen arrived, 7 pounds, 7 ounces. mom and baby are reportedly doing just fine. dad doing his job. check and check. >> never been more nervous in his life. >> the clarity she had. >> she is awesome. and your baby is adorable. >> i know. and healthy, most important. >> exactly. a startling scene in new mexico to tell you about this morning. two men rushed to the hospital. just take a look at that picture, after their hot air balloon crashes into power liens, seems to explode into a fireball and then plummets 40 feet to the ground. "early start" anchor zoraida sambolin is here with more on this. that pictures tells you. >> it looks terrible, doesn't it? >> yes. >> the accident happening in albuquerque on wednesday. 59-year-old mark kilgore and 66-year-old daniel lavoto are being treated for burns. a ball of flames lights the sky outside of albuquerque, new