speculate in the negativeness. fran, in your estimation this should not have happened the way policy is practiced? >> that's exactly right. the fbi has looked at these active shooter cases. they analyzed 160 cases, 96% of these act alone. most of them are -- over 90% are males. they often, more than half the time they end up dead, mostly by suicide or by a law enforcement killing. so we've got a decade of history with these. the biggest ones are the ones you've talked about. it's the ft. hood shooter, the sandy hook shooter, the shooter, loughner, who shot gabby giffords, the repetitive. we know the big ones. these happen and we understand most of them are at workplace or academic institutions. we have a history we can look at. but rarely do you see this sort of defined pattern of violent activity and we do have to ask the question, why didn't this trigger, in somebody, either the