more than banks or homeowners >> because of the deal that was cut they're not borrowing at a higher rate than your mortgage. that had happened because congress hadn't acted. >> right. >> they hadn't done anything. the key to understand the student interest rate has to stay low. if you're borrowing $100,000 and you're a teacher making 35, whether the interest rate is 3.5% or 6% -- >> you're under water. >> you're going to be under water. we need to figure out how can you come out with less debt in the first place and keep those interest rates low, and that is achievable but to do that, everybody's going to have to work together. >> families certainly need to help. let me ask you about some of the emerging situations. most recently syria. you've seen the images. you know the situation very well. do you believe at this point you need investigate in order to say what seems obvious, which is