medical correspondent elizabeth cohen with more on this. hi, elizabeth. >> hi, kate. i was in london a couple of weeks ago. it was really fascinating to see that when it comes to childbirth, things are just a little bit different on the other side of the pond. outside st. mary's hospital in london, the crowds have been swarming. everyone waiting with baited breath. inside a team of doctors is working. and the first question on everyone's minds? >> is it going to be a cesarean section or natural birth. she wants to be the people's princess. she wants to be normal. >> reporter: normal in england may be a little more painful than normal in the united states. in other words, kate's royal birth may be a royal pain. in england, only 3 out of 10 women have epidurals compared to 6 out of 10 in the united states. the delivery rooms are actually designed to avoid epidurals.