jeantel. her credibility so crucial to the prosecution's case. twhorsds if the jury believes those words that trayvon martin wants george zimmerman off of him at the beginning of his confrontation i believe it's a win for the prosecution. >> especially in florida because jose you told bus the law if you start the fight it will be a long night. right? that's what they say in florida in terms of proving it was self-defense. on day four what do you have to do with defense counsel with rachel jeantel to balance it out. >> up have to destroy her credibility. it has to be done like a surgeon. they can't go after her too aggressively because this is a young, unsophisticated girl. don west will look like a bully. he went win any friend on that jury with the knock, knock joke so i think he has to walk on egg shells and make sure he destroys her specifically and completely on the evidence and her statements and not on any attitude. >> all right. vinnie politan, jose baez, thank