leave behind to the russian people? >> oh, come on, daniel, no, no way. like you're making movie for the case of my death. like, again, i am ready to answer your question, but, let it be another movie, movie number two. like let's make a trailer out of this movie and in the case i would be killed, let's make a boring movie of memory. ♪ [ speaking foreign language ] ♪ >> alexei navalny is stepping back into another showdown with the kremlin. >> what to do with navalny presents a conundrum for the kremlin. let him go and risk looking weak, or lock him up knowing could turn him into a political martyr. ♪ [ applause ] >> are you not scared, alexei? >> what do you expect in moscow? >> navalny! navalny! >> unexpectedly vladimir putin has a genuine challenger, handsome 41-year-old lawyer alexei navalny who has chosen one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, running against the man who controls the kremlin. >> more than any other opposition figure in russia, alexei navalny gets ordinary people out to protest. >> if i want to fight putin, if i want to be leader of a country, i have to do something practical about it. well, i have to kind of organize people. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i was banned from everything, television banned. newspapers blacklisted, rallies, forbidden. i realized i can do a lot on my own with the support of my wife yulia, just small group of people i can rely on. zero money, a lot of work, internet and that's it. >> his youngest fans have turned to tiktok which has been crucial in spreading the word. >> navalny's posted hundreds of videos about his corruption investigations, and they are wildly popular. >> the kremlin hates navalny so much that they literally refuse to say his name. [ speaking foreign language ] >> our offices were raided, and they just confiscated everything, everything. they splashed a toxic liquid into my face, and my first thought was jesus, i will be kind of monster until the end of my days. as i became a more and more famous guy, i was totally sure that my life became safer and safer because i'm kind of famous guy, and it will be problematic for them just to kill me. >> and, boy, were you wrong. >> yes. i was very wrong . >> so we went to siberia to make a nice movie about local corruption. i expected a lot of police. i expected a lot of people who tried to prevent our filming, confiscate our cameras or just break our cameras or try to beat us. i expected that sort of thing, and i was very surprised like, hmm. why is nobody here? why is there a -- i even have the strange feeling like -- like a lack of respect. seriously i'm here. where's my police? the whole trip was the smoothest trip i ever had. i'm the kind a slave of thursdays because on thursday i have my online youtube show and then weekend i can spend with my family before another trip to another region. i was going home, and then i died. >> passengers on his flight from siberia heard alexei navalny cry out in agony . >> other passengers filming just after the plane makes an emergency landing in siberia. navalny then rushed to the hospital where he was put on a ventilator. his spokeswoman saying navalny was poisoned. >> his wife raced to be by his side . >> imagine that. [ speaking foreign language ] >> we've come to the conclusion that judging by the fact there were no poisons found in his blood or other biological materials he has a metabolic disorder, lowering of blood sugar levels to be specific. >> we're hearing state news agencies here that are backed by the kremlin suggesting that hallucinogenic drugs may be involved but not poisoning. [ speaking foreign language ] >> this morning an air ambulance from a german charity landed . ♪ (don't stop me now) ♪ ♪ ♪ (don't stop me) ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm having a good time ♪ ♪ having a good time ♪ ♪ i'm a shooting star leaping through the sky like a tiger ♪ ♪ defying the laws of gravity ♪ ♪ (don't stop me now) ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm having a good time ♪ ♪ i don't wanna stop at all, yeah ♪ ♪ ah, da, da, da, da da, da, ah, ah ♪ life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. the noemt moment when i heard news that knievel knee was poisoned. my first thought was can this be the kremlin? would they be so dumb to try to kill the main opposition figure? i was skeptical. hmm, many it's one. many oligarchs. either it's a state-ordered attack or someone who is trying to assassinate opposition figures in order to assassinate putin. >> the closest anyone has come to a poisoning, the 2018 attack in salisbury, england. >> a defiant crinoline insisting that it had nothing to do with a brazen assassination attempt of form russian spy sergei skripal. >> skripal was poisoned by the milt grader in of agent novichok. >> the seriousness of novichok is starts switching off the nerve connectors in your body one by one. if it goes properly it will turn off your body, and then within hours any trace it will disappear so you'll always forever look like it was a natural death. >> this is why it appears to be the preferred form of killing for people whose death will be in the public scrutiny such as navalny. there was a lot of pressure for us to start investigating. media partners in russia reached out to us and said can you help? we looked at it and thought there's no hope in hell. we can investigate the crimes that happened in russia in the remote corners of siberia sitting here comfortably in europe. we didn't even try in the beginning. >> alexei navalny arrived at the hospital in bellingcat with his wife yulia. a spokesperson tweeted the struggles for alexei's life and health is just beginning. here at the hospital, both inside and out, he'll be watched. [ speaking foreign language. >> to have your dad, an opposition leader being poisoned by we don't know what, we don't know how, we don't know when and just be in a random hospital. it was just -- it was surseal. it was literally like a book. >> hello. >> the doctors can't say anything about his brain. he will recover even if they manage to wake him up. many millions of navalny supporters are trying to figure out how to help. we in berlin are a small team. we have to dive into actually like getting things done. >> we all were very skeptical about investigating alexei's poisoning. as opposed to previous cases, this poisoning took place on russian soil so no one is going to share ctv footage with us. we won't have videos from the airport where they poisoned his flight in and out, and as much it is a hard to admit while putin is in power we'll never find out the truth. >> julia, how is your husband this morning? [ speaking foreign language ] >> it was so crazy, like it's putin's signature poison . >> we just started to tell him his story. alexei. don't worry. your poisoning was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill you with novichok, and he opened like his blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear -- come on, poisoned. i don't believe it. like he is back. this is alexei. putin is supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok. his wording, his expletive. his international. if you want to kill someone, just shoot him, jesus christ, like real alexei. it's impossible to believe it. it's kind of stupid. the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon. what the [ bleep ]? this is why it's so smart because even reasonable people, like they refuse to believe, come on, poisoned. seriously. 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(other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. ♪ >> traditional journalism implies you meeting with a source and that source telling you a story. in today's world of fake news, we don't trust sources because we don't trust humans. we trust data. berlincat is an organization of digital nerds. most of us have hike an autistic fascination with numbers. every time you use your email, make a doctor's appointment, take a train or plane, every time you take the atm or look at the screen of your phone that leaves a trace. in a place like russia imagine the person who works at the travel agency that has access to the five manifests, getting $25 a day as a salary and then for another 25 they would be able to sell that flight manifest to anybody who asks for it. just because they will double their income for the day. this is a whole industry. data brokers are on the dark web. you negotiate a price and within a few minutes they say, yeah, i can get that data for you by tomorrow, and then you have to sent bitcoin. now bellingcat can't pay for that data so i have to pay for that data myself. over the last five years of working on data journalism i've spent $150,000. my wife has no idea of this. my wife thinks i spent 2,000 or 3,000 and if she knew she wouldn't be my wife. >> and she's not watching. >> i'm absolutely sure she's not watching this movie now. [ speaking foreign language ] >> our expectation was once he's released from intensive care he will have a desire to go to russia immediately. to our great relief he told me i better spend several months here. i want to go back to russia strong and fully recovered . >> for the longest time i wasn't sure what to make of navalny. i had always wondered how much of an independent figure he is, or is he one of the many fake opposition figure created by the kremlin? i criticized him on twitter, but he was known for having flirted with the extreme right in the early days of his career. he walked side by side with some pretty nasty nationalists and racists. had he moved beyond that? had he actually become a reverse dark knight? >> alexei navalny! >> within all my career i've about asked the same 15 questions all the time. are you afraid? are you working for kremlin? what is your family doing? you have a responsibility for your family. when if it's foreign journalists they are asking about nationalism and russian march, and every one of them, jesus christ, just watch previous interviews. >> hold on. were there a couple of nassy guys at that march. zighaler would no be a different category you would not want to associate with. >> in the normal world, in the normal political system of course i would never be in the same political party with them, but we are creating coalition, broader coalition to fight the regime just to achieve the situation where everyone can participate in election. >> there's a lot of politicians that would be uncomfortable even associating or being in the same photograph as one of these guys. you're not uncomfortable with that? >> i'm okay with that and i consider it as my political superpower. i can talk to everyone. anyway, they -- the citizen of russian federation and if i want to fight putin, if i want to be leader of a country, i can -- i cannot just ignore the huge part of it. well, there are a lot of people who call themselves nationalists. okay. let's discuss it. we're living in a country where they are poisoning politician and killing people and arresting people for nothing, so, of course, i'm totally fine to sit with the guy who is -- whose rally looks kind of not very good for me. and so much more... like a free samsung galaxy z flip4... ... and netflix on us. with t-mobile, get benefits that add up to more than $225 in value each month. switch now and get a free samsung galaxy z flip4, and even more! only at t-mobile. i would say that to me an important aspect is too... meta portal with smart sound. helps reduce your background noise. bring that sense of calm, really... so you come through, loud and clear. meta portal. the smart video calling device that makes work from home work for you. it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep number 360 smart bed. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because proven quality sleep is vital to our health and wellness, only the sleep number 360 smart bed keeps you cool, then senses and effortlessly adjusts for your best sleep. and tells you exactly how well you slept, with your sleepiq score. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. so, you can be your best for yourself and those you care about most. don't miss our labor day weekend special. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed, and free home delivery on all smart beds. ends labor day. ...years faster than our initial projections. when you see things differently, you can be the difference. capella university sees education differently. our flexpath learning format lets you earn your bachelor's degree at your pace. online sports betting to fund real solutions to the homelessness crisis. so how will that new revenue be spent? new housing units in all 58 counties, including: permanent supportive housing, tiny homes communities, project roomkey supportive hotel units... and intensive mental health and addiction treatment. in short, 27 means getting people off the streets and into housing. yes on 27. [ speaking foreign language ] the russian media didn't find anything, and german investigators didn't have the jurisdiction, so we realized there's nobody was going to actually actively investigate this. unless we jump into this. we knew that the poison was novichok, and novichok we had proven in the previous investigation is only manufactured in this facility called the signal institute. the signal institute in moscow works under the guise of a r & d center that develops advanced form of sports, nutrition drinks. that's the legend, and yet they employ for this work 12 scientists whose only experience and background is in chemical weapons. our hypothesis, this is the entity that actually provides the poison for the killers which travel around the world poisoning people with novichok. so what we did is we bought from the russian black market. the phone records for the head of the signal institute. we looked at numbers that only appear just before the poisoning of navalny, and those were suspicious, but once we have a suspicious number, you go through a number of russian apps that allow you to see how that phone number is listed in other people's phone books, so, for example, i put in my number, and it would show up as kristol the journalist from bellingcat because somebody would have put my name into their phone book and that description would be shared. first number i showed up alexei, doctor from fsb. that was interesting, doctor from fsb, alexei. couldn't place a real person behind this name and looked to see if that number shows up in a car registration database. that alexei owns a car and then you have a real person with his birthday, look up his passport file and see his face and you repeat that many times with the other suspicious numbers and then you have a short list of interesting people, and these became our prime suspects. now we knew when navalny had traveled to siberia. we had the actual passenger manifest of six different flights that had flown where navalny flew from moscow on the day before, during and after the day on which he arrived there. so we wanted to see if any of those suspicious people traveled to siberia at the time of the poisoning, and we found an overlaps. we found a nest of wasps we didn't know existed. it's a domestic assassination machine on an industrial scale. i was absolutely shocked that this was so fast and the whole plot disentangled so quickly so i reached out via twitter and said alexei, i think we may have found who poisoned you. >> after i went out of the hospital, i decided to move into the black forest and live in some small village. you can just walk for hours and not meet any person at all. these are my friends, little ponies and friend and donkey is julia's friend and this is routine of our walk. come here, my little pony. isn't he sweet? better than your donkey. >> everybody likes a small pony. it's like usual. >> come to me. you're scaring him. go away. go away. poor guy. donkey. of course, you like me. oh, come on. this is a very -- woman. come here, my horse. road carrots. you will grow big. they are very cute but they are not very smart so they decided for their fence not to provide electricity. >> don't do it. [ speaking foreign language ] >> yulia wanted an apple and asked me to take it, but it's germany so it's someone's apple, and there is a police over there. i'll come there when it will be dark. >> and there's no police. so you're a russian criminal who arrived to germany. >> no, it's like a game. it belongs to the village. >> how do you know? >> this is a very russian style, you know, thinking about property like it belongs to everyone because it's an open place. just come and get it. >> the story of this guy who lives in vienna and is bulgarian and lives in russia and he has his own money and spent his own money on russian crime. he sounded too suspicious to be true, to be capable. he sounded a bit, you know, made up. >> are you confident that he is not mi-6 or cia? >> i'm pretty confident. i wouldn't say without a doubt, but i'm pretty confident that he's not. >> i was suspicious about this guy from twitter. i just saw his old laptop, and all these tables with the data. it turns out, and i was very surprised, that the whole thing about bellingcat is just one smart guy. no cia involved, no mi-6. he's just a nice and very kind bulgarian nerd with a laptop. may more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. get verizon business unlimited from the network businesses rely on. ♪ ♪ this is the moment. for a treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema. cibinqo — fda approved. 100% steroid free. not an injection, cibinqo is a once-daily pill for adults who didn't respond to previous treatments. and cibinqo helps provide clearer skin and less itch. cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. do not take with medicines that prevent blood clots. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers, serious heart-related events, and blood clots can happen. people 50 and older with heart disease risk factors have an increased risk of serious heart-related events or death with jak inhibitors. this is the moment. but we've only just begun. speak with your doctor about cibinqo today. an innovation from pfizer. amazing. jerry, you've got to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks it gets a little old. 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[ speaking foreign language ] >> we had a nightmare trying to get everybody to stick to the same time. it's all time for simultaneous release. all the media channels are going to drop the bombshell simultaneously. >> there's a huge debate as whether this was intended to incapacitate or kill. >> incapacitate or kill. >> yeah. i would say kill, 100% kill. >> if, for example, navalny had laundry returned to him while he was staying at the tomsk hotel the afternoon befory will left, that would be a point of access? >> it's definitely a possibility. the question is how well he can do the dose. you put say ten times the deadly dose on the clothing. you have to be sure at least some of the dose gets into the body. >> tomorrow we'll set up a phone with fake i.d. so if we can call them through this number. >> yes. >> we can try to confront them. >> yes, of course. >> navalny will call personally these poisoners one by one. and we will record this. >> hi. this is navalny. you may remember me from trying to kill me. [ speaking foreign language ] >> it's great to see you. >> is it your contention that vladimir putin must have been aware of this? >> of course, 100%. it could have not happened without. [ speaking foreign language ] >> who is the most stupid? >> most stupid of them? >> yeah. >> well, definitely these are guys with no real training. >> i think it makes sense to try to prank the guys and maybe the non-military guy. >> when you were a kid, did you have any political awareness, political family? did your family talk about politics? >> yes. my -- my family talks about politics all the time, and it was a very -- they start to talk much more after the chernobyl disaster because actually my father and his family, they are from chernobyl, from the small village, ten kilometers away i would say, ten kilometers away from the nuclear station. everyone knows that it was an explosion of a nuclear station, but news kept it silent so all the nuclear and dusts were on these fields, and they were forced to go to -- not to plant potatoes just to prevent rumors, just to explain population, that everything is fine. everything is okay. go and work in the fields, and with the first appearance of putin on the screen, i just felt it. i have the same feeling like i'm watching tv and i'm watching political leader, and he's looking in my eyes and lying to me. >> this is the biggest challenge for me. i'm trying to practice juggling about a month, and because of coordination and balancing because you need some balance here, it's -- i'm very bad at it. >> i think he wants to make sure this hits home in russian media, and he thinks that's based on if he does it, so we're not being journalists reporting about some politician, but we're reporting about a politician who has his own youtube show with over 30 million followers. who considers himself -- >> actually the first time. lucky. >> that's an unusual situation. it doesn't make things easier. >> mom, is this yours? no, you have water. >> hold my beer while i make a call. >> no, no, no, no. >> just the second one. you're filming me. >> okay, okay. ♪ ♪ how bizarre ♪ >> again. ♪ ♪ how bizarre ♪ >> you should remove the second one. >> oh, we can do that? >> yes, of course. >> this is, you know -- >> i don't know how to do that. >> who is 19? >> you, apparently. ♪ ♪ how bizarre ♪ ♪ how bizarre, how bizarre ♪ >> good morning. jen. no sleep again. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. a monster was attacking but the team remained calm. because with miro, they could problem solve together, and find the answer that was right under their nose. or... his nose. when you see things differently, you can be the difference. -how are you? -good. capella university sees education differently. our flexpath learning format lets you set deadlines and earn your nursing degree on your schedule. ♪take your hat off make yourself at home♪ ♪how about stay the night then strut on home♪ ♪day 1, i'm in love with your strut♪ ♪day 2, i'm in love with your strut♪ ♪day 3, i'm in love with your strut♪ ♪guess what, i'm in love with your strut♪ ♪i like your strut,♪ ♪do you wanna go struttin' struttin'♪ ♪you like my strut♪ ♪do you wanna go struttin' struttin'♪ ♪you like my strut♪ ♪then let's go struttin' right now♪ ♪ >> now i totally feel like i'm undercover agent wired up. are you nervous? >> sorry. >> are you nervous? >> no. come on. a little bit. [ phone ringing ] >> hello. >> [speaking foreign language ]. >> hung up. >> oh, my god. you rue the day. >> not just the day i guess. [ phone ringing ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> hung up. >> maybe try the prank way. >> okay. >> perhaps it's not interesting. [ phone ringing ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> we got everything. >> how could you do this. >> spilled the whole story. >> the whole story. >> this is unbelievable. the poor guy. >> the poor guy. >> they will kill him. >> they will kill him literally. >> bad man. >> let's offer him to defect. let's arrange for him the whole thing because i think that's a humanitarian thing to do. >> okay. p spiegel have been begging me to call them since this morning. can i tell them already confidentially. >> let's just decide. are we going to publish this conversation? i think we should wait for a press conference. >> putin's press conference at the very least. >> tuesday. >> on the 17 th. [ speaking foreign language ] >> before pushing this button i want to say that was an amazing job. thank you, everyone, for your contribution, guys. >> yeah. >> high five. >> high five. >> okay. >> now an exclusive investigation can reveal a top secret mission. >> an' leet team of operatives has been tracking and a half knee's every move for more than three years. >> navalny. [ speaking foreign language friend friend. >> oh, thank you very much. it's an honor for me to be in a big television of spain, and i'm very pleased that you're paying attention to this swaying. thank you very much. this key which looks like it's from the movies, but in this particular case it's a real key with real people. putin on the very top. >> in mid-august navalny and his team traveled to siberia. at least five members of the fsb unit make the same journey on different flights. >> well, they can't be telling him now but, of course, i'm sure they are trying to. thank you. thank you very much. >> back in tomsk, there was a surge in communications among the fsb units and their bosses. if it was expect that had navalny would die on the flight, they were now scrambling to deal with a very different situation. we enter a rundown apartment building on the outskirts of moss knew where operativech oleg taikev lives. >> i work for cnn. i'm claire ward. can i ask you a couple of questions? [ speaking forge language. >> so you've said that you want to go back to russia. you're aware of the risks of going back. >> definitely. >> yeah. >> why do you want to go back? >> i don't want these groups of killers exist in russia. i don't want putin being president. i don't want him to be -- i want to go back and try to change it. it's a fantastic piece. >> yeah. [ speaking foreign language ] >> he opened his mouth to american song on tiktok. >> they are talking about this all the time. they are talking about you, and this is very funny. >> but the main point is they have a big problem. otherwise they would not launch it. they allowed the state number one channel that has never mentioned his name to only talk about him now. >> yes. you're absolutely right. this is the main point. it's not affordable for them to keep silent. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ (customer) save yourself?! money with farmers. (burke) that's not wrong. when you bundle your home and auto policies with farmers, you save yourself up to twenty percent. (customer) that's something. 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[ speaking foreign language ] >> ready for a 12-hour flight? >> we have to sit down for good luck. >> that's for luck. >> yes . >> starting from 13 years old, i would think about what would i do if my dad was killed? we never had like the talk, you know. it's not anything that you can like sit at the table and discuss. >> so it's nice opportunity for you to actually see the snow, so much snow before you go to l.a., right? >> there is snow in california. there was a point a year ago where my dad was almost not there for my high school graduation. he was in jail once again, and like the whole day i was just thinking about how my dad would have been -- i'm sorry -- my dad would have been proud to see me walk on the stage and get my certificate, and he wouldn't get that option because he was in jail for doing the right thing. >> i know that my dad misses russia even though it's scary to go back, and if -- if he didn't go back, i would say you need to go back and fight. it's something worth fighting for. [ speaking foreign language ] >> this is just amazing part to us. we said like, well, if we want to poison him, of course, we would have poisoned him. i mean, the whole presentation we will smash it. >> i'm just very curious how people will react to it, if they will be as astonished like we are because nothing like that has ever happened to anyone. >> okay. [ speaking foreign language ] >> well, it's totally unbelievable. i would never believe it if i wasn't part of it. 300,000 views for 20 minutes. >> one hour later, is million views. >> the poisoning of russian dissident alexei navalny has taken even a more bizarre turn. >> if this was a hollywood movie you would say this is over the top but it's not. it's real. and, boy, does this conversation punch a giant hole in the kremlin narrative. >> surely this is hugely embarrassing for the kremlin. >> it's embarrassing for the fsb. it's embarrassing for the kremlin. >> the fsb have said that the video of the conversation posted on navalny's youtube champ was fake and that the phone call was a provocation aimed at discrediting the agency. >> navalny is suffering from delusion, of persecution. otherwise there's a freudian fixation on his own crotch area. this is how this should all be treated. [ speaking foreign language ] or... his nose. this is the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic. and it responds to snoring - automatically. so no more nudging your partner. or opting for the couch. because the tempur-ergo smart base is our first system that detects snoring and automatically adjusts to help reduce it. your best sleep. all night. every night. don't miss our best offer of the year, with savings up to $700 on select* adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed rest of tempur-pedic. learn more at * i don't hydrate like everyone else. because i'm not everyone else. they drink what they're told to drink. i drink what helps me rehydrate and recover: pedialyte® sport. because it works... and so do i. ♪ hydration beyond the hype. ♪ here's what you expect from your wireless plan... but at t-mobile, this is what you get. and so much more. like netflix on us! and benefits that add up to more than $225 in value each month. at xfinity, we're constantly innovating. and we're working 24/7 to connect you to more of what you love. we're bringing you the nation's largest gig speed network. available to more homes than anyone else. and with xfi complete, get 10x faster upload speeds. tech upgrades for your changing wifi needs. and advanced security at home and on the go to block millions of threats. only from us... xfinity. >> how is president navalny different from president putin? >> well, my -- my major task as a president just to prevent, you know, this damn circle of re-establishment of a authoritarian regime. in authoritarian leader you're either pro or against an authoritarian leer. we're in more primitive politics like human rights, freedom of speech, fair election. the power and money, tax money that's supposed to belong to the local communities, and in russia everything is decided in moscow, so being a president, i'll just have, you know, this big pie of my power and i will cut it for the future of russia. [ speaking foreign language ] >> i apologize. i'm sorry for the record, but just five minutes ago told daniel to get his [ bleep ] out of here like his camera, so my apologies for that because it's like everything is like -- everything is happening in the last ten minutes and i have to make like millions of e-mails and you make me nervous because you're standing there. sorry. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the russians superstitions but it's so important. [ speaking foreign language ] owh i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪ trelegy for copd. 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