amanda knox's attorney, ted simon, said the ruling was disappointing but it's hardly a time to panic. the supreme court has a much narrower scope of review. all they're supposed to do is to look and see whether or not the appellate court jury acted within its jurisdiction and according to the proper rules. it does not relitigate or it does not reconsider or re-evaluate or reopen the facts. and that's why everyone remains reasonably hopeful without prejudging what they will do. >> for amanda knox, it's now a waiting game. >> she as well as her family have acted with the, you know, utmost courage, persistence, patience, grace, dignity throughout all these proceedings. but like everyone else, they're waiting for what the decision will be. >> and if she's ultimately convicted again? >> the italian government may say to the united states bring us amanda knox, she's been duly convicted in our courts, you have signed an extradition treaty with us, we want her