understandably so, but presumably he has made up his mind and letting us know. and now a lot of people are saying, vice president biden, tell us, are you in or out, and a lot is at stake in the democratic party and the race for the democratic presidential nomination and the country as a whole. >> i don't want to suggest for a minute that a hastily organized news conference in the rose garden means he is going to announce that he is running, but for a candidate who has known for a while that he is going to run, hold as big conference to say, i am not running, and could it be that message? >> it could be in fact that e is is going to tell us that he is not run org could be thning or running. we have heard back and forth to associate, and people who have spoken to him over the past few days, and emerged from the conversations that he is going to run, and others saying that he is still on the fence.