there and make that sort of threat, it is beyond shocking. ashleigh? >> we're about 1:55 or so from the start of that wake. i'm going to ask you to keep an eye out for that moment which is always so poignant when officer ramos' casket is brought into the church behind you. hopefully we'll be able to get our live cameras trained on this image as well. in the meantime, can you repeat for me -- i heard great reporti reporting earlier from jetblue who is willing to bring people from around the country to the place where you are. >> reporter: yes. jetblue is working with their partner airlines because they don't fly overseas to bring officer liu's family from china to the u.s. separately, the airline here in the u.s. is -- has offered anyone on their route, law enforcement, that they would bring two members of each law enforcement department from around the country to new york. 600 people, approximately, is