burglars who had been in that community. on what basis was he a match? on the basis of skin color. >> they were teenagers, as well. >> no, actually, they were in their late 20s, according to some reports. the actual burglars and trayvon martin we know was 17 years old. so it was skin color and gender, i would say, because they were both male. but trayvon martin had nothing to do with those burglaries. >> let me go back for a second. i'm trying to recall so many details. i think george zimmerman thought he was in his 20s when he said that to the 911 caller. >> he called him a kid. >> but he thought he was -- in subsequent interviews, said could have been in his 20s. >> but on the call, he said he was a kid. >> ultimately, i think the greater issue does come down to this. if people are being deluged with news about gang violence and shooting violence, doesn't that shape their information when they -- when they form fears? and they don't have to be white people. i'm saying white people can be as afraid of others and black