entirely different. >> you know, there's been a serious debate on whether or not the collection of all this metadata has stopped terrorist attack. you hear arguments, diane feinstein chair of the senate intelligence committee, she says it's worthwhile. and the chair of the house intelligence committee, he says it's very important. they both are virtually on the same page when it comes to this specific issue about the collection, for preventing another major terrorist attack. whether it's stopped one so far, that is a subject of some significant debate. i think there are one or two cases that they did have some impact. i suspect we're going to hear more about this in the coming days. >> all right. we'll do the report on it. thank you. tune into wolf. he's on twice. 1:00 in the afternoon and then again for "the situation room" later on at 5:00 eastern time. wolf blitzer. checking other top stories we're following. a scathing new senate report