seriously and that the situation is being dealt with internally. this is what banker types are looking at? and we wonder why they didn't see the crash coming. jeanne moos, cnn -- >> before that you see the effect. >> -- new york. >> whoops. and that is it for us. "larry king live" starts right now. tonight, breaking michael jackson death news. dr. conrad murray is about to turn himself in. then ten jailed americans in big trouble in haiti accused of child trafficking. their desperate families are here pleading their case. don't ask, don't tell. president obama says people in the military shouldn't have to hide who they are. and the top brass agreed with him today. >> allowing gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military would be the right thing to do. >>. we begin with breaking news. dr. conrad murray seizure renders the los angeles authorities as early as tomorrow on charges relating to the death of michael jackson. that according to his lawyer. with us ted rowland, chief correspondent, and author of a terrific new book, "the last day of my life." ted, what's the story? has he been indicted? >> no, not yet. he's here in long angeles, his lawyer is here from los angeles, and the people representing murray, they're expecting he'll surrender within the next 24 to 48 hours. up to about an hour and a half ago, they hadn't heard anything specific as to when and where. they want to make sure he's not hauled off in handcuffs. they want to surrender. they don't want the media. tough to do in los angeles. >> larry: what's the charge? >> my guess is involuntary manslaughter. you know propofil was adminstered, and you know this is the last doctor to have been treating michael jackson, and you probably have a gross negligence charge and involuntary manslaughter. >> larry: are we jumping the gun or has the lawyer said he will be charged? >> we don't know. they're holding out hope there will be a small chance they won't be, but all the signs are leading to a charge coming and coming soon, and the ap reporting today they're not going to use a grand jury, they'll go ahead and submit a formal charge. there clearly is some contact with these officers, however, the d.a. hasn't necessarily tipped their hand. there is no charges yet. you hear things from police officers. they all have sources. the a.p. is getting information from someone. cnn is getting information from someone. radar online, tmz, there's all these various sources, and ted is right. there is every indication this is moving forward. >> larry: what do we know happened? what do we know supposedly that this doctor did or didn't do? >> one thing we don't know yelt, we know he was the last one with michael jackson, he was caring for him, he was the doctor in the background of the 911 call. he has admitted to his attorneys he gave him propofil, he gave him other things leading up to his death. but we don't know what was in michael jackson's system. the toxicology report hasn't been released. there could be other things not tied to dr. murray which could complicate the case. >> larry: with no toxicology report -- >> the d.a. has it, they simply haven't released it. look at the propofil alone, larry. you can't get propofil as an individual. you can't get it outside a clinic or a hospital. presumably dr. murray brought it or procured it for michael jackson and admin sterd it, without the proper tools and proper equipment. >> they're breaking the law taking it out of a hospital. >> larry: it's an answer -- anesthesia. >> he wanted it and dr. murray gave it to him. is that criminal negligence to the point of manslaughter? it's going to be an interesting case. >> larry: if this all happens, it's going to be a big l.a. trial? >> we've seen them before. i would suspect this is as big as it gets. >> larry: any comments from the jackson family? >> nothing yet. you really reserve comment until things actually happen. if he's indicted, once he is, then we'll get a comment. >> surely the jack sons want someone to pay. i'm not saying he even is responsible, it simply looks bad for him. >> larry: they declared it a homicide, didn't they? >> he died a homicide and the cause of death was an overdose. the question again, what killed him? did diprivan kill him? the amount he was given shouldn't have killed him, and dr. murray talked to investigators right away and said, here's what i gave him. none of this should have killed him. all the players said, what i gave him shouldn't have killed him. something killed him, and if they can prove it was diprivan and that cocktail and murray is responsible, he'll go down, but it's going to be tough. >> it could have been a cocktail of medications and the totality of the drugs that killed him, not just one drug. >> larry: why is the lawyer telling you this now, that his client -- this might happen? >> the lawyer wants to negotiate a turnover. the lawyer does not want to see his client on tv in handcuffs. >> larry: why tell the press? >> we're harassing him, calling him, and he's just responding to it. he's not making any statements. in fact, they've gone out of the way trying not to cause any stir here. clearly they brought their client out here for a reason. they think he's going to surrender this week. >> larry: stay on top of this and of course, we'll stay on top of it, too. what's going on in haiti? will it cost them their freedom? that's next. 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( click, click, click ) ten americans have now been arrested in haiti and accused of illegally trying to take 33 children out of the country on friday. they had a preliminary hearing before a haitian judge today that could face charges of kidnapping and child trafficking. no charges filed yet. the missionaries say they were just trying to help children in need leave the country. let's go first to john voes, our cnn correspondent in port-au-prince. what happened when they faced the judge today, john? >> well, larry, that was an investigating magistrate who actually went to the prison cell where these ten americans are being held. he interviewed the five women today for several hours, there were no lawyers present. he will talk to the men tomorrow. presumably there will be no lawyers then. as you said, there will be no charges at this point in time. what happens from here? this investigative magistrate will then present his evidence to a haitian prosecutor who will then decide if there is enough to push on with charges. now, 14 of the 33 children apparently had one or more parents, and those parents have told cnn they gave their kids up quite simply because they could no longer care for them. larry? >> larry: do you know if the united states government has tried to get involved at all yet? >> what we've heard from the state department is they're saying this is a matter for the haitian government, it is a matter for the haitian people to be worked out under haitian law, so it looks like they're taking a pretty hands-off approach at this stage. >> larry: thank you, john. dan simon is on the ground in narib meridian, idaho. >> it's fair to say some questions have arisen about their capabilities to build this orph orphanage and run it. first of all, they have no experience in running it. they also have not registered as a non-profit and they also aren't recognized as an international adoption agency, and finally, larry, in terms of funding this orphanage over a long period of time, it has not been made clear whatsoever how they would have the financial wherewithall to run this orphanage. it appears after this quake occurred, they didn't quite have a strategy in place and they just ran in there and tried to do something. that said, again, it appears they just wanted to help these people but didn't quite think about things long term. larry? >> larry: thanks, dan. dan simon in meridian, ohio. also in meridian, ohio is pastor drew hamm, pastor of the church where they were all members. were you surprised at this, pastor? >> i'm sorry, larry, surprised at which part? > larry: at the fact that they took these kids. >> was i surprised personally? >> larry: yeah. >> i know that the purpose of their trip was to go and help children, so that's how part of the very fabric of our church. in fact, we recently took a mission trip to eduador where we did a number of things for underprivileged folks. >> larry: were you surprised they took children from one place to another place? >> well, larry, that was the purpose of the trip, was to go and help those who were in need. >> larry: you say help. but i asked, did you know they intended to move children? >> sir, i know the purpose was simply to go and help. i don't know their intentions because we certainly weren't there and we've had very little communication with them. >> larry: are you fearful of charges being filed against them? >> we're certainly concerned for their safety, we're concerned for their whereabouts. we know that they have a great compassion for those children, and, you know, larry, that's probably one of the best things about this situation is the fact that these children are being taken care of. >> larry: do you know why they moved them? do you know why they did this? i mean, you know these people. >> yes, sir. well, the purpose of this trip was specifically to go and establish an orphanage and to help those children that really needed help and just to pour some compassion on those children. >> larry: do you expect the united states government to be more vocally helpful? >> you know, larry, i would say the government is doing all that they can. i know they have a great care and concern for these children as well. >> larry: do you know if it's reported that some of the parents actually gave the kids to your group, saying that they couldn't take care of their own children? do you know that to be true? >> no, sir, i don't know that to be true. >> larry: have you talked to members of the group? >> no, sir, we have not. >> larry: you're not able to communicate? don't they have cell phones? can't you talk to them? >> no, sir. the information that we've received is upon their arrests, their cell phones were confiscated and we have not been able to communicate with them since last friday. >> larry: pastor ham, you remain with us. we'll be joined by some relatives, family members who are worried about their loved ones in haiti. their take in 60 seconds. for just $29.99 at red lobster. with fresh salads and biscuits... your choice of entrĂ©es... and an appetizer or a dessert to share. ends red lobster. a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. right now 1.2 million people are on sprint mobile broadband. 31 are streaming a sales conference from the road. 154 are tracking shipments on a train. 33 are iming on a ferry. and 1300 are secretly checking email on vacation. that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network. bringing you the first and only wireless 4g network. right now get a free 3g/4g device for your laptop. sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilitie. i apologize for saying ohio. we're talking to meridian, idaho. we're joint by elise alan, and the sister of drew cobreth. ann samantha langford is the daughter of corinna langford and the sister of nicole langford. lisa, have you been able to talk with jim? >> no, i have not. >> larry: i guess they -- so renee, you haven't been in contact, either, with paul? >> no, no contact at all. >> larry: and you, too, samantha, right? >> it's the same thing for me, sir. >> larry: lisa, what do you make of all this? >> i think it's a big misunderstanding that's kind of been blown out of proportion. their intentions were to go there and help the kids that were in need, and like i say, i think it's a misunderstanding. >> larry: are you surprised, renee, that they took the children without checking first with authorities or the fact that these -- many of them had parents, they were not orphans? >> you know, i don't know all of the details that really went on over there, so i really don't have a firm answer on that. there are so many details that i'm not aware of right now. >> larry: well, samantha, the group had no documents, approvals or pass dports for th children. are you surprised they moved those kids? >> sir, all i know is my mother and my sister love those children and have compassion towards them and they were going there to help. i'm unsure of the situation down there as i'm not down there, but i definitely feel for them in the situation that they are in. >> larry: lisa, would you like the american government to be more involved than they apparently are? >> no, i feel comfortable with what they're doing at this time. >> larry: do you know what they're doing? >> i believe they're working it as best they can. i think it's a difficult situation, and just a lot of details to be worked out. >> larry: renee, is your big fear that haiti is going to charge them and haiti is going to try them? >> you know, i don't -- i don't know what haiti will be doing. i do know that our men and women down there are -- they're upstanding citizens and they're compassionate people, and i just am resting on that at the moment. >> larry: the haitian prime minister, samantha, called them k kidnappers, although he admitted they were misguided in what they were trying to do. what do you recall of these people? >> well, sir, it's my mother and my sister, and i know their heart was to help these people, and it very much hurts me that they're being accused of this. i know that they are working very hard to take care of these children and even where they are right now, they are concerned about them. >> larry: would you describe yourself -- i don't want to put words in your mouth -- as shocked by all this? >> no, sir. i know that the government in haiti has had a tremendously difficult time. once again, there is a great level of encouragement because we know the country of haiti has a great compassion for these children, and you know, the purpose of this trip was to provide for these children, and we know that right now they're getting the provision and the care that they need. >> larry: do you think the haitian government is trying to send some sort of message here? >> i really don't know. i know that it must be remarkably difficult for the government because, you know, it's just extremely hard for them, and we have a great compassion for those people, larry. that's why this group from our church wanted to go down there, because they cared about those people. and that includes the government. >> larry: lisa, since the intentions were apparently obviously honorable, are you a little surprised by the government taking this action, holding them, taking away their phones and the like. couldn't this have been resolved, you think, a little better? >> it's hurtful because, again, we know what their intentions were when they went, and we're just ready for them to be brought home safely. >> larry: renee, what does paul thompson do? what does your husband do for a living? >> my husband is a pastor, and he also drives a school bus for a school district. >> larry: what did you think when he told you he was going there to do this? >> i was not surprised in the least. my husband is the most compassionate, unselfish man. i've been receiving phone calls, e-mails, phone calls, messages in the hundreds from people he has known over the years and know him well, highly respect him. they are shocked and are all behind him and eagerly awaiting his return. >> larry: what did your mother and sister, samantha, tell you when they went? >> well, sir, i was informed of the fact that they were going to go and help children, which excited me because these children, after seeing pictures of them on the internet and pictures that were posted, i also felt compassion for them and was excited for the fact that they were given the opportunity to go and help take care of these children and meet their emotional and physical needs. i'm very proud of them. >> larry: as well you should be. we'll stay on top of this. we'll keep in constant touch. we wish all of you nothing but the best in all of this. pastor drew ham, renee, lisa, thank you all. don't ask, don't tell, a policy that's divided the military. is it about to change? 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>> i think it's past due. we should honor all of those who want to serve our country. i think it's wrong for people to be told they have to lie about who they are and cover up their identity in order to serve their country. other nations have looked at this and they've said the policy isn't don't ask, don't tell, it's don't misbehave. and their armed services have gays serving in them and they're doing quite well, and i don't see any reason why we have to discriminate against men and women who want to serve their country. >> lieutenant colonel mcginnis, why encourage lying? >> i agree, we shouldn't encourage lying. don't ask, don't tell isn't really the law. unfortunately, it's a clinton administration aberration of the law, but that's what we're dealing with. the fact is, larry, back in '93 bh i was working with this 50-man group, we looked at all the data that was available. they didn't do the extensive research that apparently secretary gates and admiral mullen are significauggesting. i think that's a great idea and i endorse what they're about to do. however, we went with the best information we had, we convinced the congress, and the congress was a democratic congress at that time, larry. they wrote 15 very specific findings. if those findings are no longer valid, throw it out. but if they're still valid, we need to keep the law because it supports military readiness. >> larry: lieutenant choi, why, in your opinion, are they no longer valid? >> i think when we're in a time of war, and for those who are currently serving in the counter-in surgerycys in iraq and afghanistan, we learn an important lesson. we need every skilled soldier we can get. any good leader serving right now will tell you that. to kick out arabic and pharosee because they lie about who they are, i think is a mistake. >> larry: there are jewish crosses and stars at other battlefields, symbolically there are gay soldiers buried there. doesn't that tell you something about their desire to serve their country? >> it's not a question of whether or not they have a desire to serve, nor is it a question whether they can serve. they certainly can serve in the military today. it's a question of the behavior of those who identify themselves as homosexual. i think the question, larry, has been, and raised, is what has changed since 1993 when this policy was implemented by the clinton administration? we had 14 congressional hearings since then all coming to the same conclusion that this would undermine unit cohesion and military readiness. even the democratic chairman of the house armed services committee, ike skelton, says he's opposed to changing this policy. there are members of the joint chiefs who are opposed to changing this policy. it's not a foregone conclusion this is going to be changed. >> larry: what is the fear, that the gay person will come on to a straight person or the straight person will be embarrassed to take -- what's the fear? >> i think we've seen the same thing. we have to be very careful with how we integrate the sectionsxe the military, and i think a lot of people don't understand, present company kpepexcepted he but the military is a very open environment. there is no privacy. officers have a little more privacy than enlisted men. so especially when you're in training situations where you have an individual that has the power, really, of life and death in some circumstances over individuals, there can be a lot of coercion, and this can be a very dangerous situation and intimidating situation. it's not healthy for the well-being of the military. >> larry: general clark, how do you respond to that? >> i think the standard is exactly what tony suggested it should be is don't misbehave. but, unfortunately, that's not what the don't ask, don't tell rule is about. it's about witch hunts, it's about tattletales, it's about a lot of pressure to cover things up and not be seen and not know who you are, so i think the standard ought to be, don't misbehave. there is a lot of coercion in training, no doubt about it. it happens between men, it happens between men and women, it happens between men and men and it happens between women and women. that's what it is when someone has power over someone else. it's not tolerated to misbehave in the civilian community and it shouldn't be tolerated in the military, and that should be the end of it. people should be entitled to be who they are and the standard is don't misbehave. >> larry: we'll ask lieutenant colonel mcginnis why it shouldn't be based just on behavior, right after this. in the south. i'll never forget. it used one tank of petrol and i had to refill it twice with oil. a new car today has 95% lower emissions than in 1970. exxonmobil is working to improve cars, liners of tires, plastics which are lighter and advanced hydrogen technologies that could increase fuel efficiency by up to 80%. and now i know without enough, our bodies can steal it from our bones. only caltrate delivers 1200 mg of calcium and 800 iu of vitamin d, in just two tablets. share some tlc. tender loving caltrate, some pharmacists only dispense prescriptions. your walgreens pharmacist also dispenses wisdom... to help you stay well. so if you're on medicare part d, schedule a free one-on-one plan review session... with your walgreens pharmacist. they'll review all your medications... no matter where they're from... and help you get the most from your plan. so you can relax and enjoy all your benefits. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. so you can relax and enjoy all your benefits. 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>> of course, larry. when we can all just talk about policy, i think that's fine for a great show in the evening, but for me, all of this really does affect my life. that hearing today was talking about my job. but you know how it really affects me personally and i think personally for all of us that are here, we're wearing our rings and on my west point ring, it says honor. the first day i learned the honor codes. a cadet will not lie, and you will not tolerate those who lie. but when i told the truth, i went on national tv and told the truth, i went to drill next weekend and we went on the rifle range, and as we were cleaning our weapons, one of my soldiers comes up to me and says, so was that you talking on tv? i said, yeah, that was me. it was a little bit of a surprise because it was an infantry unit, but by the time we were done cleaning our weapons, he said, all right, then. when do we get to meet your boyfriend? to think there is all this fear on a policy level and people talk and it makes for a nice sound bite, but the reality on the ground is, we're ready for people to tell the truth. and i think it insults our soldiers to assume they can't handle the truth. >> larry: tony, doesn't it bother you to hear lieutenant choi say that? >> no, larry, certainly we've had a chance to talk and i have great respect for him and his service to the country as i do for every man and woman regardless of their sexual orientation. but we don't make public policy based upon personal situations, we make public policy for what's best for the nation. you know what the president has done, he has urged the joint chiefs to make a change in a time of war, undermining potentially our nation's security and the effectiveness of our military and quite possibly opening the door to the draft once again, because we've seen there are men and women who do serve in the military who have expressed reservations about staying in the military if this change comes about. so there are ramifications to policy decisions. to other consequences, sometimes, but i think we need to look those through. i don't think the chief can tackle this issue when he's already said, the secretary has said they're going to carry out the orders of the commander in chief, and that is to make sure this policy is dunaway with. which, by the way, is troubling to me in that the military would be undermining the very thing they protect, and that is the rule of law. >> larry: general clark, doesn't the military need people? >> the military needs people, and larry, i do think attitudes have changed. i was a division commander with the first cavalry division when the first policy was adopted back in '93. i knew what the soldiers felt, i watched it over the years that i remained in the service, i talked to people about it. the attitudes changed even in the course of a few years, and they've changed more now, but i would caution this. if this becomes a political football and democrats line up on one side and republicans on the other, those opinion polls that we're talking about and polling soldiers won't mean a darn thing again, it will just in flame the forces. i think the standard is that soldiers and marines and airmen and sailors have to obey the law. they have to uphold the standards thai again given, they have to be responsible, they have to tell the truth and they should be who they are. and that means we should accept human beings for who they are and honor and love them, because we need them in this country. >> larry: lieutenant colonel mcginnis, would you rather have no gays in the military, period? >> well, we have gays right now, larry. i don't think anybody denies that. >> larry: but would you like to see a law that says no gays? >> the current law is a double pretense. homosexuals like dan have to pretend they're not homosexual and the military pretends they don't mind. the law is clear, the military obeys the law of the land. the congress says, this is the law, you obey it. they salute and they drive on. larry, at the same time, going back to what general clark was saying, we dismiss a quarter of a million young soldiers every year for all sorts of reasons. about one-third of 1% fit the category of homosexuals. every soldier that walks out the door is a loss, but every one of those decisions is made on the best interest of the military based on the laws that congress has given us. they either change the laws after considering all the requisite information that the pentagon hopefully will provide without bias, then we can get on and do the important business of fighting the wars of this country. >> larry: lieutenant choi, have you thought of quitting? >> what kind of question is that, larry? why would you ever ask a soldier to quit? >> larry: because they don't want you if you admit who you are. >> well, i think that the morals that you're taught and the values that you're taught at the very first day of your basic training, that's what you fall back on whenever you have a gray area or whenever you have a difficult decision. and i think anybody here in this can understand that. we've learned dai-- my dad is a southern baptist minister, and he thought me from the beginning, i don't care what you did, just tell me the truth. those are the values we fall back on. my instinct right now? i was given the chance to quit and i would most likely hold onto all of my benefits. as a combat veteran, i think i've earned some of those, but i said no, i'm putting it all on the line, because i learned on that very first day that you tell the truth and there can be consequences, there can be risks, but for me, being solidly sound in those things i was taught from day one, i'm confident that i made the right decision. >> larry: we're going to do a lot more on this and i thank you all very muchment. a former p.o.w. is with us. her fight for life wasn't just on the battlefield, next. is it wise to allow a perishable item to spoil? he asked, why leave a room empty? the additional revenue easily covers operating costs. 65 dollars is better than no dollars. okay. $65 for tonight. you can't argue with a big deal. we welcome sho shanna johnson back to "larry king live." she and five oir members of the maintenance company were taken captive march 23, 2003. she was taken captive for 23 days. author of a new book "i'm still standing." from captive soldier to free citizen, my journey home. before we get into this, what do you make of the don't ask, don't tell controversy? >> silly. if men and women want to serve in our military, i really don't care who they want to sleep with. it's all about serving our country. >> larry: so you would repeal it? >> definitely. >> larry: it's been seven years since you were a p.o.w. do you think about it a lot? >> still. very much so. the controversy between us and iraq is in the media, so it's difficult to forget. >> larry: how were you caught? >> during an ambush. vehicles were disabled. it seemed like the whole city came out and participated in the ambush. i was shot and caught, ba basically. >> larry: shot where? >> in both my legs. >> larry: what were those 23 days like? >> it was hard to describe. fear every day they would just be done with you and just kill you and end it all, wondering about my family, my daughter, you know, wondering where the special forces were. >> larry: how were you treated? >> pretty humanely. i can't complain. was it perfect? no, it wasn't. but compared to what i expected, i'm very grateful. >> larry: you write in the book that you were not raped but you wonder about the possibility. what do you mean? >> during the medical care, i had an operation and i was given general anesthesia for the first time ever, and i don't know what happened, basically. >> larry: do you suspect something might have happened? >> i try not to think like that, you know. they treated me with kindness. i'm just going to leave it at that, but i have to admit i don't know what happened every second. >> larry: your captors told you about seeing your mother on television, didn't they? >> yes. >> larry: what did that do to you? >> it broke me down. the first thing i thought was what is my daughter going through, what is my mother going through? it turned out when i got home, it was my grandmother and not my mother, but i tried to be so tough and not be the whimpering female that really tore at my heart. >> larry: were you married? >> no, i've never been married. >> larry: how were you freed? >> the united states marine corps came to the rescue. it seems they got a tip from an iraqi individual, and they took the tip and ran with it, and basically kicked down the door where we were at. >> larry: how many were captured there? >> it was seven of us being held in the house. >> larry: did they get all seven out? >> all seven out. >> larry: were you the only one wounded? >> no, joseph hudson, he got shot in the buttocks, and harry anderson took a bullet to his arm. >> larry: were you discharged after that? >> 2003 i got a medical discharge because of my legs, my back and the ptsd. >> larry: have you signed up for a career in the service? >> in the beginning, no. i just wanted to do the first three years, get out and go to culinary school. but after i had my daughter, i thought i could make this a career and still pursue my culinary dreams. >> larry: why did you write the book? >> to put to rest questions. i heard a lot of different versions of what had happened to me, and i wanted to set the story straight. now people can pick it up and see what happened from my point of view. >> larry: a lot of misunderstandings? >> misunderstandings, out and out lies. there were a lot of things about me running away and shooting over my shoulder. i was leading the convoy, i'm the raeason they got lost. totally untrue. >> larry: all wrong? >> all wrong. >> larry: more after this. even better nutrition -- high in vitamins d, e, and b12. a good source of vitamin a and b2. plus omega 3's. and, 25% less saturated fat than ordinary eggs. but there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. better taste. yum! 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[ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> larry: anderson cooper is back home in new york and he will host "a.c. 360" at the top of the hour. what's our lead tonight, anderson? >> well, breaking news tonight, larry. a cnn exclusive on why the christmas day bomber is now cooperating with authorities. we'll tell you why a secret visit changed his mind. plus, those ten american missionaries, you were talking about them at the top of the program, larry. right now they are sitting behind bars in haiti, accused of child trafficking. but are they guilty of a crime or merely misguided in trying to give 33 hatian kids a better life? we're digging deeper and you can decide for yourself. and we'll look at the devastation in haiti. part of the big "360" interview is pastor joel ostein, reconciling religion with utter destruction. and my visit today with one of the largest hatian communities right here in new york. see what they are doing to try to help their loved ones back in haiti. larry? >> larry: anderson cooper with a tie -- >> i feel strange. >> larry: "a.c. 360" at the top of the hour. shoshana johnson is with us. her terrific book is "i'm still standing: from captive u.s. soldier to free citizen, my journey home." you decided you should write to get out of the army because you had problems with blatant resentment and pettiness from fellow officers. what do you mean? >> there seemed to be a lot of resentment. >> larry: of? >> of the attention i got, all the media, going to certain events, even military events. they started complaining about the color of my lipstick to the color of my nail polish, which was really silly, because these were the same things i used before i was deployed. >> larry: what rank were you? >> specialist, e-4. >> larry: you got a medical discharge, so you'll get a pension for life, right? >> yes. >> larry: what's ahead for you? >> i'm in culinary school in el paso, texas, raising my daughter, just enjoying life, as much as i can. >> larry: how do you look back at your military career? >> i loved it. i enjoyed being in the military and i don't regret for one second joining up. it was something that i think improved my life, improved my outlook on life, and made me feel, really appreciate that i enjoy. >> larry: what'd you make of all the media attention? >> it was kind of a pain in the butt. >> larry: did the other six captors resent it? >> no, not at all. we are very tight. >> larry: because you got the most. >> yeah, but -- >> larry: you did. >> yeah, but we understood that we shared a bond that nobody could understand and nobody could come between. they're my brothers and i can lean on them anytime. >> larry: you were, am i correct, the first black p.o.w. in american history. >> black female, yeah. >> larry: black female. >> it's not a title that i like. >> larry: did they have to convince you to write this book? was there any hesitancy at all? >> there was a lot of hesitancy. my family insisted -- >> larry: didn't want you? >> no, they insisted i write the book. you know, they're your family. they think what you do is so important and so wonderful. i wasn't sure that other people would think that also. and i'm expecting some people to not like it, some people to make petty comments and everything like that, but i know in my heart that i've told the truth. >> larry: how old is your daughter janelle now? >> she is 9 years old, 4'8", 100 pounds. >> larry: fourth grade? >> yeah. >> larry: i've got a 9-year-old. would you mind if she joined the military? >> i wouldn't mind at all. i would sit down with her and let her know what it's really like to be in the military, and if she makes that decision after our talk, i will support her 110%. i enjoyed my time in the military and there are times when i actually miss it, the camaraderie. >> larry: keep in touch with other soldiers? >> yeah, definitely. >> larry: thank you, dear. good luck. >> thank you very much. >> larry: this will be a best seller. >> i hope. >> larry: shoshana johnson, "i'm still standing." james cameron and the cast of "avatar" will be here tomorrow night. if you have a question for them, go to and fire away or tweet me at kingstings. we've got a preview, next. ♪ - now i'm rolling eco-friendy but i still look bad ♪ ♪ when the bike store saw my credit ♪ ♪ they said this was all they had ♪ ♪ i'm singing- f to the r to the to the e ♪ ♪ to the c to the r to the e-d-i-t, ♪ ♪ re to the port to the dot, to the com ♪ ♪ come on everybody grab your bike and sing along, ♪ ♪ it's easy... f to the r... ♪ vooffer applies with enrollment in triple advantage. have put their faith in sun life financial. we should be a household name. and we will be. so you're suggesting that we change our name from florida, the sunshine state, to...? 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