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procedures in place as we head into the year's busiest travel days. tonight, new calls to outlaw the patdowns and body scanners the government says are critical to prevent another 9/11, and new rules for pilots. they have access to the cockpit and roam airport tarmac, yet they're letting most pilots skip through the screening. ron paul joins our debate, but jeanne meserve explains why pilots get waved through. jeanne. >> they say they've already been vetted in order to fly airplanes. they say what's the point of searching us for weapons when we get onto a plane that can be used as a weapon. they come to economic points and show their airline i.d. and another form of i.d., their names are checked against a database to verify they are who they say they are, and then they will be put through the screening. now the pilots have objected to the patdowns and machines just as members of the general public have. they've been concerned about the radiation implications, although the administration has said repeatedly they believe these machines are safe. the pilots have said we're going through them a lot. in addition we get exposed to radiation in the air. we are woerd. the tsa listened to their complaints and made this modifications. there are expectations that eventually flight attendants will get treatment similar to this. >> how does the government answer the worst-case scenario question, 99.9999% of these people are honest, hard-working people but it only takes one. it only takes one. a pilot has access to the cockpit and he goes to the tarmac to inspect a plane before this flight. they have the most access, so they're i there's a greater risk. >> they say nothing is 100% secure. they can't absolutely seal the situation. if they went through the scanning machines and patdowns and didn't have a weapon, if the pilot wanted to do harm when he got on a plane, he could do that. but, in fact, there haven't been any instances of u.s. pilots wanting to do this. in fact, pilots go through programs where they're taught how to fire firearms on-board aircraft, many of them have them in the cockpits. it is part of the protective measures that have been put in place since 9/11, john. >> jeanne meserve for us on the breaking story. thanks so much. now a big question. should the tsa be prohibited of touching you or taking an x-ray image of your body or having private companies decide who can and cannot get on yue flight. with us from phoenix, arizona is ron paul of texas. he's pushing his new american traveler dignity act, which tells the tsa hands off. fran townsend served as homeland security adviser in the post-9/11 committee. here's among the lights of your new legislation. it prohibits physical contact by the tsa and x-rays of somebody's body, it would prevent using the millimeter waves used in high-tech scanners and preevent the government from taking images of an individual's body even if covered by clothing. you view this as abuse of government power. what about about if we take away the tough new screenings and have another 9/11? >> well, taking away you're implying that nothing else would happen. if you got the government out of it, you would put the responsibility on the airlines, and the airlines would still be very concerned. as a matter of fact, they have more leeway because they can screen their passengers a lot of differently, and you can have agreements with the airlines. you might have better screening with private. even contracting out to a private company, as long as they have the same obligation to pursue the same thing tsa is doing, that won't do any good. that's in our boondoggle for the private companies working with the government. it might be chertoff that might get the contract to do the screening. you want the private owners. you can't provide perfect safety. this notion that the government's role is to provide safety, it isn't. it's to protect our rights. we're being told we go to the gate and buy a ticket, and you sacrifice your rights. where did that come from? that's the most absurd thing i've heard. the american people aren't for this. they're tired of what they're he seeing and what's happening at our airports. >> fran, you hear the congressman there. his political committee sent out an e-mail talking about the porno scanners there's expected to go through. the homeland security committee chairman wants to have a hearing soon, maybe the tsa shouldn't have these powers. now that this is a big political story in our nation, do you have concerns that politics might undermine security? >> look, john, this is a classic case where the government kind of fails the common sense test. they need to -- we've seen the thread from al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. they were behind the detroit attempted bombing, the underpants bomber, this is the group behind the recent cartridges in the belly of the plane loaded with explosives. the threat is very real. the government is rightly concerned. the question is -- there's a couple of questions about how and why they're doing this. you know, the government has the authority to implement the security procedures, but they also have an obligation to be advocate and explain to the american people why these are necessary, why there isn't a less entrucive means to be used. they haven't done a good job at that. the threat is very real, so we want them to be successful keeping explosives off planes and we're rightly debating the government's policy about how they're trying to do that. >> congressman, let's go back to you and where you would draw the line. i want to show the pictures from the conversation. denver put up videos. this is some photos. the government says this is absolutely necessary. you see the body scanners and some of the touching and patting you view as a violation of people's rights. listen to the homeland security secretary, janet napolitano. she says it's necessary and it does not, in her view, cross the line. >> they in no way resemble electronic strip searches. all they do is ping in a private area away from the gate with an image that is neither retained nor transmitted. we built privacy screens into the machines. >> congressman, the head of the tsa john pistole says using these screenings they've come up with things that kept dangerous things off the airplane. if we went with your approach, how do we make sure somebody doesn't get on a plane with something that shouldn't be there? >> so far they haven't been sure. before 9/11 the government was in xharncharge and spent $45 bi on intelligence gathering and they got through anyway. for the secretary i'd like to ask her has she gone through a scanner and been probed and prodded? fran, have you done it, too? i think everybody should. >> congressman, i have done it. >> did you look at your image? >> i did not look at my image. frankly, congressman i'd much rather prefer an image of me than they touch me. i'd like to understand what the protocol is. >> some people have to be prodded. so people are being forced to it. you haven't gone through the process. >> i most certainly have, congressman. >> i want every member of congress to do it and cabinet to do it and they might have a different feeling about this. the whole thing is is we are dealing with 9/11 and al qaeda, and that has to do way major problem with our foreign policy. if we don't understand why we are creating more people who want to hate us, believe me. taking away all our liberties won't solve us. spending more money on intelligence gathering, and also taking away more of our liberties and having 6,000 of our people killed over in the middle east every time we kill a civilian to the tune of tens of thousands, we make more enemies. >> congressman, it would be nice to know -- >> fran let me try -- >> we don't solve our problems by abusing the rights of american citizens. >> the congressman makes his case passionately, fran. on this question the debate over what the powers are will continue, and the congress will deal with this when it returns in january, but to the question of should the government do this or contracted out and to the degree of what other technology is out there, what's the answer. >> i don't think it matters. you have to set the standards. it's easy for the congressman to criticize the government wlshgs it's this administration or prior administration, but i don't hear any suggestions about how he would improve it. if he had responsibility for protecting the american people, what exactly he would do to ensure their safety and security. >> can i answer that? >> sure. >> the private owners do it. they have a better ability to do this than government bureaucrats. it just don't work. that's a problem. >> we will continue the conversation. we mentioned the proposal to do private. they were debating it. republican congressman who is pushing among those policy republicans to use private screeners has received $600,000 in contributions from the airline industry. that industry is his top contributor. in the past 13 years the congressman has received almost $80,000 in campaign donations from people directly connected to some of the private contractors already providing security at airports. we asked him if he viewed those as a conflict of interest. >> i found it out yesterday whether someone brought it to my attention, they've been in the screening business for the last year and a half. i don't remember any firms all of the competition to acquire ate private firm is done on a competitive basis by tsa. i have nothing to do with that. that's a bunch of baloney. >> here's why we asked the question. when the republicans take control in january, congressman mica is poised to become the president. biden says why the president is misunderstood is because it's so brillia brilliant. the donald loves to ask if he will run, but will he? 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[ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at mike huckabee in iowa this weekend. newt gingrich just left. sarah palin has a new book. the 2010 election was just the other day, but the ramp-up to 2012 is just a couple years away. on the subject of the theater, i was having a conversation with the donald, donald trump, and he likes to be asked if he'll run for president. so i asked. you're flirted from time to time for running for president yourself, and some say that's interesting. others say that's the donald. he wants attention. >> yes, they do say that. >> are you serious? >> i'd rather not do it. for the first time in my life -- years ago they wanted me to do. they always wanted me to do it, because i think i have an instinct for business and people. i love people and i love this country. i have had tremendous pressure over the years for me to run, but i've never had it like now. i'm thinking about it and don't know that i'll do it. i'd rather not do it. i'd rather have someone in there to straighten out the country. >> he also said in the conversation that if he runs, some people wondered if he would run as a third party candidate. he said he'll run as a republican, and we were shooting the breeze after the camera was off, and one of his questions was would i help or hurt palin? >> he's too shy and retiring and modest to run for president. i love the idea there are all these people out there begging donald trump -- >> you just drove across the country. you didn't hit the trump crowds? >> i didn't. i did go through atlantic city. maybe that would have been better. this is show time now, and you're going to see a lot of this sort of thing. the interesting thing about this race is it's starting a little bit slowly. you know, the people who are actually going to run aren't going to announce until next spring probably. >> they've decided to push back their calendar a little bit. is that to save money or because we don't know -- we have the tea party and nobody knows if that's lasting and you don't want to jump in yet? >> i think it's to save money and spend more time raising money in advance. i think it's also that people are just sick to death of politics. we went through a cycle where there were 50 gazillion ads on the air, and people want a break from it. >> the vice president was on ""larry king live"" last night and larry asked him what about the 2012 race against sarah palin? wou >> would that be a ace you'd like to take on. >> my mother had an expression, be careful what you wish for, joe. i never underestimate anyone. i think in that race it would be a clear, clear choice for the country to make. i think obama would be in very good shape. >> maybe he wants to be careful, but that's what they wish for. >> it's probably what they wish for, but i remember when people in the clinton administration were wishing to run against this stupid actor from hollywood who didn't know anything about politics. biden's point is a good one. you don't know what happen when is you get two candidates in a race. >> one of the things we spent a lot of time over the years is how politicians communicate. i want a comparison here. this is sarah palin in her new book talking in a way that some might find condensing. do you want wonder where the producers r "american idol" comb up with a seemingly endless supply of people who can't sing. the self-eseemed but talent deprived performers eventually learn the truth. here's joe biden to "gq magaz e magazine, why does the president have a hard time connecting with people. i think it's because he's so brilliant and he's an intellectual and the president ahas more faith in the american people than anyone i know. he said just tell them. it's like a blind faith. very different approaches describing the president as xwranlt, and that's why people don't get them and i'm not quite sure what sarah palin was getting at. >> i'm not quite sure either. there you go again. i don't think that's a message that the obama white house wants putting out, he's so brilliant that he can't be understood. if he were so brilliant he would be figuring out ways to communicate more directly. they don't know where they stand on issues. >> when you look at the early 2012 maneuvering? >> how big a circus is something to be and how soon are you going to iowa. >> first steak is on me. >> today's top headlines will take over a state with high unemployment and a decisive role in our national politics. an important new development in alaska's u.s. senate race. a federal judge has ruled that republican joe miller's complaint about whether it's legal to count misspelled verses of her white-in ballots is a question for the state courts to settle. he granted a motion stopping certification of the final vote if miller goes to those state courts by monday. we'll keep an eye on that one. let's check in with joe johns for the latest news you need to know. joe. >> tomorrow is a big day for president obama and leaders of the nato military alliance. in portugal they consider a plan to end afghanistan combat xwijss and give afghan forces full control by 2014. also at the summit tomorrow russian president medvedev will discuss joining nato's newly announced missile defense shield for all of europe and the u.s. >> it shows our determination to protect our citizens from the threat of ballistic missiles, and tomorrow we look forward to working with russia to build our cooperation with them in this area as well, recognizing we share many of the same threats. >> it's so funny how this is becoming a flash point during the lame duck. you know, everybody was talking about taxes and all the other things, and now we have the start on the table. >> if the president can get them to a table on missile defense, that would be a big deal. when we come back, john kay sek is the republican of ohio. esz he knows the answer if he's asked to be on the national ticket. stay with us chls. well as motorcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? 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>> i think it ought to be repealed and replaced, john, but that's not my focus right now. my focus is creating an environment where we can create jobs in our state. >> let me ask you to that point, one of your -- he's a current republican governor soon to be krur cleg he wrote this. while congress takes important steps towards eventual repeal, governors can stop implementation of obamacare. do you think if they do it in washington, fine, but i'm not doing down that road. >> let me make it for clear. i'm for repealing and replacing it. i think the republicans missed a golden opportunity to fix health care, and i think the states are the best place to begin to fix it. look, we have a situation where the patient is in a ditch right now in a bad car accident. so i have to get the patient out of the ditch, in the ambulance, to the hospital, stabilize them and teach them to walk. we have an attorney general that's going to file that lawsuit against obamacare, but for me as the governor-elect, all of my energy is in removing barriers businesses have felt so we can retain jobs and begin to set the stage for getting more in. >> the president says we need to deal with starting with some fiscal sanity in washington and work with the republican house to reach an agreement on reducing the budget deficit. he believes it's critical because of u.s. competitiveness in this global economy to have washington take the lead and spend money on what he calls critical infrastructure projects around the country. i assume some of that money would come to your state of ohio. there's no more stimulus money. is the president right or should the republican congress block that spending? >> well, i don't know if they're talking about that. is he talking about another stimulus package, i don't think that works and give us $400 billion to build a high-speed train. i don't know what obama is talking about and he wants to help ohio too go from a donor state, but i don't want another stimulus package because it sends the wrong message to the markets, and if the markets go south, unemployment goes up. joe biden called me after the election and we quibbled about the politics, and i said let me suggest to you. make the tax cuts permanent and cannot raise taxes on capital gains or dif sdends. they're playing with fire if they don't provide certainty to business. rather than think about more spending, what they need to think about is stabling the economics and giving companies to plan for the future. if they do it, we'll be better. i want them to succeed. i need the revenue and the jobs. >> the last time the government of the united states of america had a balanced budget a guy named john kasich was chairman of the budget committee. give some advice. i ask in the president's deficit reduction committee puts out their report. they say dead on arrival because it would touch social security and medicare. the right say no because it would bring net tax increases to washington, d.c. can we get on a sustainable, fiscal sane path if both default to the idea logical bunker or do they need to come to the table and begin the conversation with everything on the table? >> we have a problem now, because politicians will not make decisions about running programs without politics. you see, what has infected washington is i got to take care of myself rather than thinking about our kids and our country. the team of people i built said, hey, damn the torpedos, full steam ahead. we're looking out for our kids' future, washington will raise taxes and spend money. right now they have to control spending and republicans have to step up to the plate and come up with creative and imaginative and inounovative ways to make things work. >> at least a half dozen people at the meeting would like to be the president of the united states. first the republican nominee. i'm assuming you won't run for that office, but if i'm the republican nominee in 2012 and looking at the electoral map and trying to put together the the right states, one of the places i look is ohio. obama carried it and he was the president. it's simple approximate if gu through the recent political history, you win ohio you have a good chance of winning the white house. if governor john kasich gets a phone call saying would you be my number two, want answer would be? >> are you crazy? i got a job food to do in ohio,. i got out for ten years, and i thought i had a good career and had a lot of great people i work with. i did this because i am dedicated to lifting ohio. i have no political interests. you know the coolest thing about this? i don't owe anybody anything, john. ohio is going to be such a fun place to watch. we're moving in many different directions right now. if i can lift the doom and the gloom and the burden off the people off the state of ohio, that's going to be so fantastic. that's all i care about, john, honestly, and then maybe you sxi could have a talk show. how would that be? >> you had one before on another network. it was entertaining television. first, i'll check back in 18 months and see if the phone has rung. sir, we wish you the best. >> thank you, john. always a pleasure. >> remember when raum eman yell left his job to run as mayor? now there's a committee. is he a legal candidate? we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief for all-over achy colds. the official cold medicine of the u.s. ski team. alka-seltzer plus. rahm emanuel has a problem that could ruin his run for mayor, residency. when he became the chief of staff back in 2009, he moved to washington and some say that move disqualifies him from running for mayor now. true? let's talk it over. here with us is roland martin and lynn sweet, the washington bureau chief for the chicago sun times. here's what this illinois state law says. quote, a person is not eligible for an elective municipal office unless that person is a qualified elector of the municipality and has resided in the municipality at least one year next preceding the election or appointment. now, here's what rahm says. >> that's not important is my residency but the residents of the city of chicago. i pay taxes here and vote here, and i think the people of the city of chicago know full well that they are going to look for somebody who is going to talk about the issues that matter to them. >> so he says, you know, don't read the law literally. everyone knows i'm from chicago. roland martin, if you do read the law literally, he might have a problem? >> he might have a problem, but keep in mind, president george h.w. bush. he actually rided esided in hou. they had a suite at the hotel. that was their official residence, although he was vice president, he also was president. so he will go back and vote here and was considered a texan. it's based on frankly how the election folks there this chicago rule, but there is precedent in other places, that being your official residence. >> precedents in other places, but other places don't play politics like chicago does. >> this is business as usually hard bore politics where the best way to win an election is to knock a strong rival off the ballot any way possible. the the emanuel campaign is arguing that intent is what a judge will look at. the loser will go to a court, appellate, could go to the illinois supreme court. his people argue he never intended to moouch to washington permanently and never established a permanent residence, and that can be proven easily enough because there was a six-month lease on the house that was left. while this is a ripe legal question, as you point out, he's trying to frame the politics as an attempt to prevent people from chicago having a choice. it's a bit of politics in chicagos. >> it could have a major impact on the mayor election. here's what he said in chicago. he says he's going to challenge this. ramm admits he lived in washington with his family. his children were in school there. the bottom line he hasn't lived in chicago. he could cite all the photos we have in our own library and show him at the white house all throughout 2009. in one of the months he was disqualified he was on my old program "state of the union." that was one of the months where the election board sent a letter to his house. it came back return to sender. this could come down to interpretation of how strict they want to apply this. >> absolutely. keep in mind you have a history of folks there in chicago challenging petitions, also a challenge -- >> one includes the current president of the united states. >> that's how barack obama got his start in politics. >> the law is the law. when you talk about residing in a place, i understand this whole notion of i didn't intend to move to d.c., but look, i'm sear. if you actually move your family there, your kids are enrolled in school there, you live there. he's hoping that the people are not as literal, but he could very well be knocked off the ballot. i don't think it's going to happen, but if i'm emanuel, i would be a little worried. >> clearly the campaign is taking this on and not running away from it. the cook county circuit judge is allowed to look at the whole picture and including an idea that rahm was called to service much as someone in the military was to work for a commander in chief. no one disputes the facts here. clearly rahm was in washington, but it was clear he intended to go back. i think intent is a part of illinois law, and that's why this will go to a court because judges look at the bigger picture. >> john, i used to have a home in the dallas area. i intend to go back, but i haven't lived there physically in six years. >> does the fact -- to that point does the fact that he was separated from his family, he didn't like it, he has young children and his wife and children did move here and mayor daly caught him by surprise. he thought he had more time here. so in the sense that the family -- the family uprooting to come with him, does it hurt his argument? >> it does, because that's why he rented out his house. roland, in all respect to keeping a residence in dallas, that's not want point. the point is he was called to a serve a president of the united states. there is room for illinois law for people who go to work for elected officials out of the state. so there are other points of law here that one can look at. we're not dpeeling with anyone who moves and keeps real estate. >> he wasn't called to serve to go to iraq or afghanistan. a political job i will not equate with a military job. the bottom line is we take jobs in other cities across the country. it's not a question i was called to serve by the president, it was still a job. >> i think a judge may respectfully disagree with you, that it does matter in this case who the employer was. rahm has an iron stomach, and he knows that every challenge that could come his way, as with anyone who tries to run in chicago, will be thrown at him. and that's why they're trying to frame this now as an attempt to deny the people of chicago their right to vote. i hand it to them, if that's what they want as a message. on the other hand i see it as the rough of item bem of chicago politics at play here. >> is it the rough and tumble at play because they think if they can't knock him off the ballot, he has the resources to win. >> i don't think it's a question of resources. the february election will boin down to two things. i don't think there's one candidate that will get 50% of the vote. he needs to be one of the to tep. that's the issue there. if you're running against him, it's all about positioning. you look at neighborhoods and ethnic groups and different parts of the city. that's what it boils down to. i never believed emmanuel is the front-runner, because this is wide open. the national media says he's a front-runner. i'm not sure that's the case on the ground. >> roland, i have been in chicago a lot recently, and in the beginning i was hesitant to call him frint ra front-runner. he has a running start on all the rivals because he has outorganized them and has more money and we have a lot of polls showing it. i think there are some data points to look at to see rahm is running ahead. >> i would advise him that senator hillary clinton was call an ineligible candidate, and we know what happened there. >> no one better to talk it over with. thanks for your time. zo >> thank you. >> thank you. government prosecutors win one but lose 284. after what happened in new york, will we see another accused terrorist tried in civilian court? 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[trumpet playing "reveille" throughout] let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence] hard to defend a record of one win and 284 losses but that's the verdict of the first guantanamo detainee to be tried in civil court w. a string of 284 acquittals, can the obama administration now go ahead with plans to hold terror trials in civilian courts rather than before military commissions? with me is cnn's senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin and daphna. we talked about this case as a big huge test case not for guantanamo detainees in general but for the 9/11 co-conspirat s co-conspirators. with we keep the plan to try them in civilian courts? do we have to say no way? >> i think their plan is barely alive and and it will depend on individual defendants. there will have to be some trials before military tribun tribunals. no jurisdiction is going to accept a khalid sheikh mohammed trial given the magnitude of that case. but it's important that galani was convicted and is going to prison for 20 years to life. this isn't like the result was an accused terrorist walking the streets, but it certainly was not a triumph for the prosecutors. >> maybe justice is in the eye of the beholder saying this case should put to rest any unfounded fears that our justice system cannot conduct fair, safe, and effective cases. the 284 acquittals and see just the opposite. this is lindsey graham of south carolina. we're at war with al qaeda. members of the association and the association should be treated as warriors, not common criminals. we criminalize the war. who's right. >> one thing i say about lindsey graham is that the one count that the jury found galani guilty of, he wouldn't have been found guilty of a military commission because conspiracy is a big issue in that forum. what happens here is everybody is right and everybody is wrong and the administration is just in a tricky place. while i think he's right that the civil court option is in trouble, the options are in trouble too. >> the options are bad and worse -- what's next? and what specifically in this trial can you apply to many of the other cases. you can't bring some evidence in because it's obtained in water boarding and other extreme interrogation techniques. you can't bring in because it involves intelligence that you won't talk about in civilian court. are there questions in the galani case when they go through the list and the detainees and the suspects that will help them. >> i think the government is going to look hard at trying any defendant who was subjected to coercive interrogation. that was the big problem in this case. i think if they go back to civilian courts, they're going to be looking for defendants who were not ill treat in this way. so that issue, at least, is all of the table. >> khalil shaikh mohammed was water boarded. that would weigh in his case. if you look at the roster of gitmo, if you will, how many of the detainees would meet that test? whether it's tough interrogation, coerced to use the kind word. tortured to use the others. and certainly in three cases you have waterboarding. >> well, right. that's the issue. the obama administration had started this process where they were looking at every single person inside guantanamo and who would be eligible for prosecution. they came one a total number of 36 people who would be eligible for prosecution either in federal court or in the military commission. and some of those people, again, were as you say, you know, either subject to torture, to coerced interrogation techniques, however you want to phrase it. that's a real problem. i think the administration had a sense they wanted to go in the direction that would allow them to use evidence that wasn't necessarily coerced even in a trial in which the detainee himself was subjected to torture. this is the perfect example of a case that didn't go their way. >> the civil liberties community has howled at the administration where it said in some cases, the administration said it would do it in rare cases to deserves it right to hold people. lost in trial or decided not to bring it to trial. if it decided to have a national security reason to hold them. jeff, do you believe that option will be used much more frequently the administration would like or had hoped because it would be worried to bring them to trial. >> absolutely. i think the most likely result coming out of this case and coming out of the whole two-year experience is that the administration will do nothing with a lot of these defendants. because trials are so problematic, that guantanamo is going to remain open. these people are going to remain uncharged. but i think the obama administration has made the legal -- the national security, the political calculation that it is better, simply, to take the heat from the civil liberties community than to have a trial that might result in embarrassment or worse. >> but what about the president's argument that he's made on the world stage saying he's going to deal with it because he believes it's a stain on the u.s. image overseas, a, they're held in gitmo, period, and, b, the united states says they have the right to hold people and never try them. >> i think this is a big problem. i think jeff is right. i think that there will be more people held indefinitely without charge or trial in guantanamo than anyone imagined the day the president was inaugurated. the 36 people we talked about slated for prosecution will not see courts. they will become indefinitely detained just like the other 48 who were slated for indefinition descension. so what you're going to have is a very large remaining population of guantanamo detained indefinitely. and i agree with jeff, i think that the facility will remain open. >> and an enormous political and lee call headache for the obama administration. thank you. >> thank you. do you think the president hums a tune every time he enters a room and there's nobody around. pete domenici nick next. let's bring in our off beat reporter pete domenici nick. he's not just a reporter. he's a music guy. when the president was overseas tonight, something -- >> and he gets introduced as other world leaders do, to music. let's take a look. we've got to get you a song, pete. >> how used do they get to this. president obama and bush, do they expect this to enter the kitchen. >> it's hail to the chief in the united states. the national anthem of both countries usually

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