don't see the vaccine being as safe as the cdc puts it out to be. how are you working towards convincing those in these communities? >> in african-american communities there's less of an up take. number one, there's a reason for that. you know, you go back to even world war ii, african-americans were used as experimental. almost like guinea pigs. they were -- anyway, and your mom and dad remember that and your grandparents remember that. and so there's a reason for people to think that, i don't know, i'm he not sure i trust. i'm not sure i trust this. plus a lot of disinformation on top of it. one of the things though we're doing is -- what i've done -- we've done, excuse me, my team has done is we provided the ability to put in african-american communities the vaccine and those that are in fact able to administer the vaccine and people who are respected in the community in