>> i want to bring in linda harris. she's from elk ridge, maryland. she's a software product manager, democrat. lind avenue, what's your question? >> hey, president biden. >> hey. >> my middle-class family of four lives on a pretty tight budget. my well husband and i work full-time at well-paying jobs but we still struggle some months to make the ends meet with rising gas prices and utility prices and grocery prices. we're feeling our discretionary income get squeezed and reduced. what plans does the administration have to help ease this kind of current crunch we're feeling? >> well, there's a number of things that have already been done. and it's hard -- and people don't think about it. the american rescue plan has provided for an awful lot. the $1.9 billion we passed right after i got elected. so what you got is you got that $1,400 check in the mail. you got a lot of things that helped ameliorate some of the concerns and costs because we knew what we were coming into. we knew we had inherited the