americans. we're not where we were a yore ago, but that's not what people feel. you know, there was an anticipation that we'd be through the virus by now. we're going through another significant wave. inflation is at a 40-year high and people are feeling that in their lives, and so you have to be careful about how you sell your accomplishments if it doesn't square with people's lived experience, and, you know, we learned that lesson, and they need to pay heed to that. >> people are exhausted because of covid. again, a lot of conversations in washington about politic things and party things. people in the country are exhausted and each person has a different experience whether it's back to work or school or their own issues with the virus. here in washington there's a lot of talk from democrats, bernie sanders, we need a major course correction. congresswoman stephanie murphy, leadership set out with a failed strategy and senator dick durbin said i'm sure voters are frustrated. i am. tim ryan from battleground ohio. democrat can't get out of their open way.