ads and a lot of money spent so far with this kind of split messaging where it's trying to tie republicans to trump but it's actually the democrats doing to try to sabotage someone, you know, in a future election or a primary. in this case though i think we talk about whether virginia is a bellwether. here's why i think it is. because like virginia has been a swing state. that used to be a red state that's trending blue for a long time. what conservatives i talk to now say it's a blue state. it's not at swing state anymore. the country population-wise overwhelmingly favors a candidate like biden over a candidate like trump, but that's not how the electoral college works, and that's n.o.w. not how the virginia election works if turnout isn't high. virginia is a microcosm of the truth that it doesn't matter what your numbers are if your voters don't turn out and this turnout effort is like this battle for motivated republican voters versus democratic voters who are really confused about