number one, number two, maybe behind the economy in these states? >> not necessarily the way you think, and i think we're seeing that in virginia right now, that depending on how red or how purple the state is the response is going to be differently calibrated but on the republican side what is popular the liberty of freedom, the choice to make irresponsible decisions that impact a lot of other people, right, and i think as we're starting to see in virginia this is actually an argument that to some extent resonates with the center if you get it right and we were talking in the last segment about how a lot of republicans in congress know that donald trump did not win the election and that the misinformation he's spewing is dangerous to democracy, but they are going along with it anyway because they want to stay in power and i think there's a parallel here on the covid argument and republican governors all over the country understand the science, they. do they understand it very well, but there is a concern, obviously a political concern about getting too far ahead of your constituents that delivering the scientific news