years. put a bill in place like no budget, no pay. that got 53 votes here last week. that would be a difference. and i would say then, let's move quickly to where we get through this, if there are true reforms associated with it. >> excuse me for interrupting but nthat's not going to happen as you know. >> it's not. >> even mitch mcconnell said it's not going to happen. as a guy who runs a business the damage to your brand, the damage to the institution, if you go into default. this is thelma and louise about to go over a cliff. republicans ten votes even though i know you're here for them. three times, raise on the obama president on a bipartisan basis. during the bush presidency, on the bipartisan basis. why is it republicans saying we're washing our hands with it? >> a lot of those cases you had divided government and you had to do it that way. i don't know if that's the case