spending, which was their issue back in 2010 and then they definitely lost their way when trump was president, and they're trying to get back there. it's a little rich considering even this particular session they have voted for more spending that wasn't paid for. including the leader. >> and the debt ceiling makes it even richer because that's not necessarily new spending, that's paying bills you already owe. we will continue the very complicated conversation. up next with the covid crisis. here at home, one state stands out when you look at a map of current transition rates. and president biden promises more help in the global vaccination rates. ody's a skept. wrigight brothers? more like, yeah right, brothers! get outta here! it's not crazy. it's a a scramble. justst crack an egg. i was drowning in student loan debt. i was in the process of deferring them, paying them... then i discovered sofi. completely changed my life. lower interest rate.