again, they can count me as a note. >> is mike johnson going to survive, but mike johnson is going to survive out with democratic health well, i think in the end, you're going to have a lot of very thoughtful members who understand that these silly dc power games don't actually serve our national interest. we gotta get a farm bill done clearly, we need to deal with the southern border. we've got a certain number of things that we have got to get done. i think there will be a few thoughtful folks on the other side of the aisle that understand that we should not be putting chaos over this r versus d battle is your republican majority in jeopardy because of all this chaos i still think the democratic vision for this country is not selling all that well across america now, it would be better if republicans i think spoke with one voice if we were more coordinated, if we worked as a team, i'd still actually feel pretty good about republican prospects in the house. >> and i think republican takeover the senate is just about a sherlock before i let