is important for his re-election ambitions. also, i think it's important to point out what we no longer are talking about which is that doctored hurricane math. i hesitate to call it doctored because it's basically a little sharpie line, but that's -- it was doctored and now you can never ignore the shift in the media conversation when it comes to this president because he's acutely aware of it. we have to take a quick break. before we do because there's a tweet for everything, president trump then private citizen trump january 13th, 2012, while @barack obama is slashing the military, he's also negotiating with our sworn military the taliban who facilitated 9/11. and with that we're going to take a break. up next, congress comes back to work this week. are house democrats really ready to start impeachment proceedings? but first politicians say the darnedest things supreme court edition. ruth bader ginsburg describes her job interview with president

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Line ,Hurricane Math ,Re Election Ambitions ,Little Sharpie ,Donald Trump ,Tweet ,Break ,Everything ,Shift ,Citizen Trump January 13th ,Taliban ,Up Next ,Congress ,Military ,Barack Obama ,2012 ,9 11 ,13 ,January 13th 2012 ,President ,White House ,Ruth Bader Ginsburg ,Job Interview ,Impeachment Proceedings ,Politicians ,Darnedest Things Supreme Court Edition ,

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