>> right. even some of these modest proposals, like these so-called red-flag laws, which are really narrow and essentially just allow the courts to temporarily seize guns away from people who are deemed dangerous, even that is running into hurdles with the gop. you heard some of these top-ranked republicans coming out against them, raising due process concerns. so that just really underscores the challenge that republicans are facing on capitol hill and i might add there's not a whole lot of confidence that even if trump does come out in support of something like a background check that inevitably he's not going to go back to his original position against it. i was just texting with a senior republican who said there aren't a lot of gop lawmakers who don't believe that he isn't going to just reverse course and that's a huge problem for them. >> a huge problem. that has been the story line, the narrative of will they or won't they get anything done on tough issues for wrepublicans since the president took office. even if he puts a toe in the waters of compromise, he pulls it back when he starts to get heat from his base.