wall street's nervous response. once the tweets started, the markets said oh, no. >> exactly. i think it's that tweet storm that really has put the markets on edge, because we have seen the numbers fall with each tweet that president trump has put out, especially the one where he's threatening to respond to china's latest retaliatory tariffs, promising that he's going to have a response later on this afternoon. so you've got that uncertainty stirring the market up, making investors very nervous, which is why they are selling. one thing i have to say about one of those tweets that the president made, the one where he said once again the fed does nothing, at this meeting in jackson hole, wyoming, the fed isn't expected to take any monetary policy action. in fact historically it hasn't. it has to wait until usually its meeting that happens in september. the next meeting is september 17th and 18th. so if the president was expecting fed chief jay powell to take action, i think that's really off the mark because the fed chief isn't expected to do