quick. i would expect france to take a role in this. the french bea will have a big role in the investigation more so than the ntsb which will participate only by invitation. >> even as this conversation expands, i imagine it re-energizes the conversation about some location device or system be on the pingers, this beacon on this black box. after 370 the search for that, i mean it took forever and still has not been located. >> right. you have made just an excellent point. we thought that the world would react and certainly the international aviation bodies and even the united states bodies would move to require that the planes have the capability or that we develop the capability, actually the capability is already there just that the airlines don't purchase it to have positive tracking and so that when you have something go wrong, the data from the black boxes or the information of the plane is on a continuous download. in other words you don't have to go searching in the seas for the