but the defense knew that was suicide. >> a january 7th transcript shows judge burrell saying kaczynski looked sane to him. "i find him to be lucid, calm. he presents himself in an intelligent manner." >> the defense asked me to write a declaration, to educate the judge about the research. i'm talking about a brain disorder that leads somebody to misinterpret reality and feel certain that they're in danger, and that they have to, as he wrote in his diary, "strike back." >> a defense psychiatrist claims kaczynski is a paranoid schizophrenic and suffers a brain disorder that impairs his thinking and behavior. >> about half of all people with certain psychotic illnesses, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, don't understand they're ill. >> when the judge ruled he couldn't fire his attorneys, and he couldn't defend himself, ted took matters into his own hands. >> the unabomb suspect, who resisted being labeled mentally ill, may have attempted suicide