ththat father r judge had d d. i knew fatather judgee for eieight years.s. i wawas very clolose to hi. ththat was thehe first pererst i knewew about thahat had di. i had to k keep sayingng to m myself, "don't t think aboutut it. puput it out o of your min, and keep f focused." - the sesecond towerer on the w world tradede center is teeeetering anand looks lilike it may ye in thehe process o of collapsis. - wewe were abouout twtwo blocks a away when the s second towewer cacame down, and we werere able too escacape that asas well. but in t the course e of i, we losost some of f the peope that i'v've worked w with, know, for mamany, many y years. - new w york's world trtrade centerer, in ef, has beenen destroyeded. the loss o of life wilill be . - there wawas a time w when, you know, , it got emomotiona. but t i never heheard him say he's's scared, y you know. - put yourur mask on.. put yourur mask on.. put yoyour mask onon. - sosome guys geget in a pososn and they s step up,