what y you saw wasas a trtremendous c cloud, debris flylying through ththe streets,s, and peopople being i injured. [somber r music] ♪ ♪ - ththe entire b building fef. anand, uh, i p processed t t, anand we just,t, you knowow, kept walalking. anand that's w when we hoooop with the m mayor. - - i'm ready,y, mayor. - eveveryone in n this cityy shouldld remain cacalm. the veryry best thining to do o right noww would bebe to remainin home. if y you're outstside ofof southern n manhattan,, you shouldld remain where yoyou are. you u shouldn't t panic. you shouldldn't worry.y. what i w was trying g to do was to getet us on telelevis, on thehe radio, toto tell peopople what tot, to give ththem some adadvic. it's a t terrible trtragedy. the e best way we're gogonna get ththrough ts is i if we remaiain calm and d just listeten to everyr, nonot to panicic. - we w walked up a a few more blocksks to a firerehouse. - wewe got to ththe firehou, and i i was told b by tom m bundersonn