- i could tell you the second he saw that line of makeup or hair gel or whatever the hell it was oozing off of rudy's head, that donald trump, a man with a more than passing acquaintance with makeup, immediately wrote rudy off. - you know your legal strategy is [bleep] up, when even your hair starts crying about it. - he's lost capacity for shame. and shame as a self-regulating function. in giuliani's case, earlier in his career i think this actually served the public interest fairly well. that moment is now long gone, and he's just a man with lots and lots of pie in his face to go with the dripping hair dye. and you know, the general sense of like, a corroded and decayed human being. - the menace gets lost in the clown show. he's standing there perpetrating a big lie about our most sacrosanct thing, which is our democracy. yet, it actually is the genesis of what came closer to an american coup than we've ever had.