ostetentatiouslyly greedy. anand the kingng of that c cd wawas donald t trump. - forget p paris, and forgetet london, anand forget e everything g e. new yoyork city isis where it't. - i don't t know how c close gigiuliani andnd trump werere personalllly in the 1 1. but i dodo know theyey occupid similar r spaces. - they're e outer bororough gu. one ththing that t they have inheriteted from theheir faths is a c certain kinind of a awe and resesentment of manhattttan and d those richch people. - rudy repepresented the kindnd of every y guy whwho came frorom the bororos anand came to o new york and made i it big. - ifif you are a a person that's looooking at a a snow gl, if y you will, from thehe outside,, even if f you end upup insidede the snow w globe, you alwaways feel like an n outsider.. - - giuliani d didn't comeme m the upper-r-crust estatablishm. that mayay have fueled his ambition. did it also contribute to some deep sense of insecurity that he was an outsider,