[draramatic musisic] - - over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the ballllots ththat are fraraudulent. anand if we'rere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. but ifif we're rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letet's have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] ♪ ♪ - whwhen giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th,, what c came to my y mind was the riot at city hall.l. [c[crowd yelling] - - [whistlingng] - - they marchched arouound city hahall park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed ththrough the e barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall.