cannot sweep the street if you don't move your illegally parked car. - ed koch was the mayor at the time, a three-term incumbent. - say hello to dave dinkins, our next mayor. - and dave dinkins was the manhattan borough president looking to become the first black mayor of new york city. - good luck. - thank you. - david dinkins wasn't really known to have an outgoing personality. - i think that i have the capacity to bring people together. - koch was overbearing with personality. - there are people who think i'm acerbic and sarcastic and too new yorkish. i'm proud to be new yorkish. [crowd cheering] - and political wisdom said that koch would defeat dave dinkins. - mr. giuliani, with all the candidates running for mayor, do you consider ed koch your principal opponent? - sure, absolutely. ed koch is the mayor. he's been elected a number of times. he was a congressman before that.