he was also accused of molesting a young girl in 1984. with a warrant, police searched bramblett's home, which was nothing more than a room in a nearby motel. inside, they found numerous crime novels and textbooks. >> he had one book in his possession about forensic science and the techniques used by forensic science to do different things. >> police also found a detective magazine featuring an article about a murder committed with a pistol with no barrel. coincidentally, the gun found next to blaine hodges' body had no barrel. bramblett owned a pickup truck, but it was white, not red, like the one seen leaving the hodges' driveway. but in the back of bramblett's truck were several .22-caliber cartridge shells.

Related Keywords

Earl Bramblett ,Home ,Nothing ,Room ,Girl ,Warrant ,Motel ,Crime Novels ,Textbooks ,Inside ,1984 ,Police ,Forensic Science ,Things ,Detective Magazine ,Possession ,Book ,Techniques ,One ,Blaine Hodges ,Barrel ,Gun ,Body ,Murder ,Pistol ,Article ,Coincidentally ,Blaine Hodges Didn T ,Pickup Truck ,Truck ,Driveway ,Red ,Cartridge Shells ,White ,2 ,

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