>> later that morning, four miles from the convenience store, police found julie's car in the woods stuck in mud. the key was still in the ignition. >> one of our helicopters spotted that blue camaro, not a long distance away, but in a wooded area that's known for vehicles dumped or parked, whatever, out there. >> they saw what they perceived to be drag marks leading away from the vehicle. and then they followed the drag marks. >> a few hundred feet from the car, under some cardboard, was julie's body. >> julie's body was found with her arms tied behind her back with her very own shoelaces. her shirt was pulled up with her breasts exposed. her pants and panties were pulled down to her socks. >> the details of the crime just really go right through you. they make you realize how, you know, how much she really went through.

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Julie Estes ,Convenience Store ,Area ,Mud ,One ,Key ,Ignition ,Distance ,Helicopters ,Car In The Woods ,Blue Camaro ,Four ,Car ,Cardboard ,Vehicles ,Vehicle ,Feet ,Whatever ,Drag Marks ,Body ,Shirt ,Shoelaces ,Breasts ,Arms ,Panties ,Crime ,Socks ,Details ,

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