she had a bullet wound that entered the left side of her brain, from the front toward the back. my looking at where the bullet enters the skull, goes through the brain, and exits, you can definitely project the deficits that will occur. expressive language is mostly centered right here in the back part of what we call our frontal lobe. in gabby's case, that area is completely damaged. it was completely unknown whether she'd be able to speak again or not. >> take a look here so you can see what your little boo-boo looks like here. >> i thought, at some point, whether it was a year or ten years later, gabby was going to want to see what she went through. so, i got a friend of mine to pick up a camera and a tripod, and we just started filming. >> some of this stuff is going to seem kind of silly, gabby, but i want to see if you can do these things for me. so, you pick.