national security grounds. so that's where the relationship is. and number three, for the last four years, japan has been the number one foreign investor in the united states. funds and creates jobs for 1 million americans who are employed light's going to happen at the ev factoryhat diode is putting up. and that won't stop d good. heontinued to be a trusted partner d america's relationship with pan and japan's relationship with the united stas is not based on one commercial deal we have a difference on it. it will be worked through, but their relationship is deeper and stronger than a single commercial deal. we can still be good to the workers and still be true to our alliance. so not in conflict i want to thank ambassador manual for that spirited debate. >> and thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week, i will see you next week this new ally fight against climate change. >> this is the carpus is blue carbon we just need to protect