gets to name the next prime minister. boris johnson, current p.m. is at the moment ahead in the polls. and with the bookmakers of britain. if he does win, he's promised a brexit. i would say that outcome might have been impossible without nigel farage, aka, mr. brexit. he's been one of the earliest, loudest and longest proponents of britten's withdrawal from the european union. he's the head of the upstart brexit party. nigel, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> so this has been a tough week for you in a sense that the party that you lead has four members of the european parliament have quit the party and urged people who were thinking of voting for the brexit party to vote conservative. theory being boris johnson is the guy who's going to deliver brexit. isn't it fair to say that this is now the role you have been cast in in history that is you were one of the earliest,