respected journalist at fox. he had this moment where he cut off scale yooeg mcenany, the press secretary for the white house. he cut it off during a press conference. she was pushing baseless allegations of fraud. and he got to the point where he's sitting there, powers that be are against him, he refuses to take it. i just want to play the moment of what happened. here it is. >> you don't oppose an audit of the vote because you want an accurate count. you don't oppose our efforts at sunlight and transparency because you have nothing to hide. you take these positions because you are welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting. we want every legal vote to be counted and we want every illegal vote -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa. i just think we have to be very clear she's charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. unless she has more details to back that up, i can't in good countenance continue showing you this. i want to make sure that maybe they do have something to back that up but that's an explosive charge to make. >> so he stops taking it. and then phil, what happens is the brand team at fox