contrasting with maria who was considered a very credible journalist and who in the trump era went totally sideways. she was the one who first had -- on fox news pick she was the one who led donald trump's view lies about the election for 45 minutes. she is rewarded. this is someone cited multiple times. she has a much better position now what the network which reinforces this is what the business side of fox news is. they are telling people will what they want to hear. >> it seems that a lot of people are fine with checking their sense of right and wrong at the door. >> i was reading these documents and wondering where their moral compass was. how did they go to bed at night a sickly knowing they are lying to millions of people. what was so damning is it showed that the very little amount of journalism over at that network, they were not in the driver seat. the people that were in the driver seat were sean hannity,