and as it gets warmer, it gets muddier and harder to do something so there is a window of time that putin is facing. how likely is it that he actually does invade ukraine? >> well, that is a big question that everyone is trying to resolve right now, erin. um, basically, what putin is trying to see is what we have an offer for him as a result of this kind of maximal gunboat diplomacy that he has put in place. and when i say gunboat diplomacy, it's clear that he has these troops on the border with ukraine to hold ukraine hostage. partly, because of russia's own ambitions toward ukraine and, you know, reincorporating in some fashion into russia's sphere of influence. but also, to put us on notice as we have seen. he's been demanding that nato pull back from the positions nato's held since the late 1990s. that the united states, in fact, pull back in some fashion from europe. maybe, even withdrawing completely. and also, that nato then actually refuses to take onboard