here comes the mev, midterm election variant. and what jackson is accusing democrats of here is manifesting this variant to try and help them in the midterm elections. he is an actual doctor and i am sure you've seen that tweet. >> yeah. i think, you know, ronny used to be an actual doctor. such a disappointment. you know, you would think that we would really benefit from having more medical doctors in congress during the time of a pandemic but not when you're spreading disinformation. most of us take the hip kratic oath when we graduate from medical school and part of the oath has us pledge to share information. but what ronny is doing is sharing disinformation and we also pledge to do no harm. and his disinformation does a lot of harm and it reminds me of sort of the original sin of the last administration's pandemic response, which was to -- to cause parts of the american public to doubt the severity of the pandemic.