three months ago? >> we saw oil prices increase earlier this fall and as they did, what you saw is president biden go into action. engaging with oil consuming countries and trying to make sure as i said that there was sufficient supply on the market to address what is a strong global recovery led by the united states. um, and what you have seen over the course of the last month is, in fact, in part because of those efforts, we've seen the price of oil come down by about 10%. we ever seen the price of wholesale gas come down by about 12% and to your point, of course there is things in the middle but historically, the relationship between wholesale gas -- the gas -- what the gas companies pay and what pays at the pump is quite consistent. over the last month, we haven't seen that happen. we haven't seen the -- the decline in wholesale gas prices translate into benefits at the pump. so again, that's -- that's not typical. that's not usual market behavior in a competitive market. and so, that's -- you know, that -- that's where our focus has been and will continue to be. >> so can i ask you because actually this is something that