we are going to breathe new life into the economy and our workforce. if we make the investments, there is going to be no stopping america in the remainder of the 21st century. >> it comes as key moderate senator kyrsten sinema opposes tax hikes on corporations and the wealthy leaving the white house and democrats scrambling over how to pay for any of this if a deal is even reached on what they are willing to do. well, covering this story from all sides, kaitlan collins is with president biden in pennsylvania. manu raju is on capitol hill. kaitlan, president biden on the road selling his economic package to the public as he is trying to smooth out these differences in congress. so, what is the white house saying tonight? are they confident they can get this done? >> well, the president says he is confident they will come to an agreement. but, erin, what that agreement actually looks like still is far from certain because you did see the president here in his hometown pitching this bill earlier tonight. but as he was pitching it, of course, there are still a lot of specifics that have to be worked out among democrats.