here. and they are playing, like i said before, was great until they got out of the news meeting and then these guys stuck around. that show as level of stupidity on their part. >> i want to show you on the bottom of the screen, bob, make sure everyone hears this, suspects are down. one officer wounded. we knew that there was an officer wounded. that officer does not have life-threatening injuries but in terms of suspects down, a few minutes ago at the top of the hour when police officers spoke on the show, they said one suspect is down. they were dealing with another. they are now saying suspects are down, plural. as i said, in the next few minutes, we'll hear more from the police and understand what that means. bob baer, when you put this together, you hear what harry is saying, the one thing that does stand out here, at least they thought they were going to get away. very different than what we saw in paris and does it lead you to think that it is more likely to