we have some video of the performance you did at the university of oklahoma last year. looks like it was a large concert in the woods. it's a great video. this looks like the typical college experience partying drinking with people there. i know you were able to hang out with some of these guys. did you experience any racism any animosity that day? >> not at all. i feel like i was part of the frat. i felt like i was a frat boy in the woods. i really felt like i was down with the fraternity. i was sae. you couldn't tell me no different. for me to see that video i was like that's what you'll doing behind closed doors. that's disgusted me. i really can't blame the kids. i feel like that's passed down. you can't even make me believe, that's just crazy. i'm disgusted. >> how do you reconcile that? the people who made you feel so welcomed behave like that.