police have the right to use the force necessary to effect an arrest. in our country, any force beyond that is called excessive. we don't tolerate that in america. we're now in a situation where people are saying if you do anything to a police officer, they can kill you. that's not our country. that's other countries. i want to say something about madison in particular. i was just there six weeks ago, dr. king day. i was there with the governor who was a republican. i was surprised six weeks ago by how tense madison was racially. there was already a group formed young, gifted and black that was demonstrating and talking about police misconduct and police violence. this is six weeks ago. they already had to pass a law to change the way that these shootings are handled so they are handled now by outside investigators because there was so much concern already about police misconduct and police violence that -- >> yeah. >> so we already are dealing with a situation where before