several hundred miles further west. why? because if there was any debris, there's been a series of storms over the last few weeks, and that's the direction any debris would have gone because of those storms. now, the flight data recorders might be on the bottom where that locater is at the moment but the debris could be much further west and that's why we see ships in that area looking for debris and one ship tows the ping locater looking for the all-important black boxes. as i say, it is interesting to know "the hms echo" this british ship maybe heading to that area. might they be going to map and see what they can find on the ocean floor in we will find out. >> at some point they will have to do something else because the pinger battery will run out. we appreciate that. angus houston said he is optimistic the aircraft will be found in the not too distant future. the families of flight 370 have thaerd phrasing before. how are they handling the latest