brianna benlolo and 25-year-old tyler johnson were shot to death by aguilar. columbia mall reopened this afternoon for the first time since the shooting, though the store where the shooting occurred was boarded up until further notice. customers said it was a sign of the times. >> and it can happen anywhere. >> reporter: police are still searching for a motive. they say aguilar's journal told him something about his state of mind but not about his plans. >> we retrieved a number of items of evidence, and included in that was a journal. in the journal there are writings that it's clear that he's unhappy with his -- his life and where he is right now. >> reporter: okay. but -- but no clear indication as to a plan or to a motive or anything like that? >> no, and, again, i've not seen the journal. investigators are still working through that, but nothing to point us to a motive. >> reporter: after the shooting the gunman's mother reported her son did not show up at work at a